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Arthur Scargill and his penthouse

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Well King Arthur got the miners out on strike when coal stocks were at their maximum, and overflowing in many places.


Not the actions of some one with their finger on the pulse. King Arthur was a burke of the highest order, and those that followed him were not a lot brighter.







He new that and so did the miners that went on strike and his plan for getting round that made history first time it had ever happened in a strike, and was well thought out, clearly you havnt a clue, just spare a moment and think what SHE had to resort to

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Yeah but he sued for false arrest and won £10,000 damages which makes me proud.And all his predictions have come true,especially the one about self-employed lorry and van drivers who undermine union action by scabbing.


I may have been born and bred in a mining town but ive NEVER EVER been in support of what scargill stands for , and im ashamed and embarrassed to be from the same town as that man.


And at the end of the day ive a family to feed and support ,so if it means me crossing a picket line ,id do it.

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I may have been born and bred in a mining town but ive NEVER EVER been in support of what scargill stands for , and im ashamed and embarrassed to be from the same town as that man.


And at the end of the day ive a family to feed and support ,so if it means me crossing a picket line ,id do it.



i bet you are well liked

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He new that and so did the miners that went on strike and his plan for getting round that made history first time it had ever happened in a strike, and was well thought out, clearly you havnt a clue, just spare a moment and think what SHE had to resort to


What was the brilliant strategy then?

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So the great King Arthur Scargill is suing his pay masters the NUM because they want to take away his grace and favour penthouse which the miners have been paying for since the miners strike + other perks that he still gets and for what exactly .Seem's he learnt a thing or two from Margret Thatcher, if you can't beat em,join em:thumbsup:. Personally the man's a hypocrite.


Sounds like greed to me can't see many NUM members happy to pay for him to have a second property in London.

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... King Arthur was a burke of the highest order, and those that followed him were not a lot brighter.






So burks are people who wish to protect livelihoods and communities?


Not at all.


'Berk' is rhyming slang. An abbreviated form of 'Berkeley Hunt'.

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The parasite bit off more than he could chew when he thought he could take on the Iron Lady


Scargill made one big mistake in that he thought he was God and didn't follow proper procedure therefore he didn't get the backing of the whole of the trade union movement when he called the miners strike.

Had Scargill followed propper produres the TUC would have endorsed full support and could possibly have brought down Thatcher, as it was the miners like some other unions fought individual battles and lost.

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