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Arthur Scargill and his penthouse

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Scargill made one big mistake in that he thought he was God and didn't follow proper procedure therefore he didn't get the backing of the whole of the trade union movement when he called the miners strike.

Had Scargill followed propper produres the TUC would have endorsed full support and could possibly have brought down Thatcher, as it was the miners like some other unions fought individual battles and lost.


Actually think you may be right there.


I suspect his odds of success would have been much stronger if he had called a national ballott which I remember thinking at the time he probably would have won.

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Actually think you may be right there.


I suspect his odds of success would have been much stronger if he had called a national ballott which I remember thinking at the time he probably would have won.


The issue of a national ballot was put to the vote at an EGM and Scargill didn't express an opinion on which course of action was right or wrong. It was the EGM that decided a National ballot was not necessary since the bulk of the regions were already on strike.


To blame Scargill for not holding a National ballot is to blame him for respecting democracy and the wishes expressed by that EGM. Perhaps that decision was tactically wrong, it was however the only decision a democratic leader could make.

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So the great King Arthur Scargill is suing his pay masters the NUM because they want to take away his grace and favour penthouse which the miners have been paying for since the miners strike + other perks that he still gets and for what exactly .Seem's he learnt a thing or two from Margret Thatcher, if you can't beat em,join em:thumbsup:. Personally the man's a hypocrite.

Don't be so hard on the man. By living a decadent life in assorted expensive homes off the backs of the workers he claimed to care for Scargill was only follwing in the footsteps of his socialist hero Stalin.

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So the great King Arthur Scargill is suing his pay masters the NUM because they want to take away his grace and favour penthouse which the miners have been paying for since the miners strike + other perks that he still gets and for what exactly .Seem's he learnt a thing or two from Margret Thatcher, if you can't beat em,join em:thumbsup:. Personally the man's a hypocrite.


Don't say that, he is a polital person looking after his own interests like the rest of them, maybe he should enter into a " coalition " with the powers that be, who ever they are ?. During the strike , he did have some " hair raising " experiences but he couldn't swipe aside the problems he could do with his hair.:D

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And at the end of the day ive a family to feed and support ,so if it means me crossing a picket line ,id do it.





How does it go ……… oh yes


It's hard to explain to a crying child

Why her Daddy can't go back

So the family suffer

But it hurts me more

To hear a scab say Sod you, Jack


A trade union is an organization of workers that have banded together to achieve common goals such as better working condition.


If it wasn’t for people like Scargill and the trade Union movement over the years you wouldn’t be enjoying the conditions that you now take for granted, sick pay, holiday pay, health and safety to name but a few.


We all know things have changed and Unions got too big for their boots but never under estimate what they did for the working man.

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How does it go ……… oh yes




A trade union is an organization of workers that have banded together to achieve common goals such as better working condition.


If it wasn’t for people like Scargill and the trade Union movement over the years you wouldn’t be enjoying the conditions that you now take for granted, sick pay, holiday pay, health and safety to name but a few.


We all know things have changed and Unions got too big for their boots but never under estimate what they did for the working man.


I was going to say that a lot of people, by lack of education had jobs which were the " Pits " of their type of work, but, as Malky a friend of mine ( probably not after this ) I should not say any more.

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It saddens me when I see and hear other working class workers critical of the miners. The miner's demise is one of the reasons that working class workers and other trade union members are now having to work for rubbish pay in worsening conditions.


These people were and are conned by the government, the media and business into siding with Thatcher and the coal board They're mugs and can't complain if their own pay and conditions are poor...

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It saddens me when I see and hear other working class workers critical of the miners. The miner's demise is one of the reasons that working class workers and other trade union members are now having to work for rubbish pay in worsening conditions.


Hear! Hear! I bet the workers who lost their jobs at News International recently wished they'd been in a union. http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/opinion/columnists/eamon-mccann/murdochs-axing-of-unions-led-to-scandal-in-the-media-16028037.html

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