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Human Rights act used to beat us with again.

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Yes yet another story of how the human rights act that is supposed to insure that we have basic rights so people can not be treated as animals is being used to swindle the good nature of this country.


Far too often do we hear stories of immigrants coming here under the guise of 'asylum' only to really be after a way of life that most of us that have paid into the system for generations could only aspire to, yet they want it on a plate.


Come on, its about time we threw this act out that we get beat with and start un tying our hands so we can throw some of these free loaders back out of the country, and maybe even have the gonads to stop them coming here to start with.




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It's the Sun - you expect balanced reporting from a rag like that?


Note the part at the bottom where the UKBA essentially tell them to get knotted. IF they actually ever get anwhere with the case, then come back and tell people.

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Are you two for real ?


Don't please try to tell me that the Human rights act is not been used as a yard stick by people coming here to claim things like free health care ect at the expense of tax payers of this country because you would go through several keyboards in your attempt to convince me otherwise. Its no secret that people come here to have kids and free health care and if it does not go well for them they then get legal aid to take our government to court and use the very laws that we created to get their on way.

Usually they cave in because the expense of saying no out weighs letting them get what they want.

If you read what I put my post is about using the human rights act to claim entitlements that they are not or should not be entitled to and Im not claiming they actually will get away with it (if sense prevails) but the fact that it can be used in this manor is enough for us to scrap it. I wonder who is paying the legal bills for them to test the system ?

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It's the Sun - you expect balanced reporting from a rag like that?


Note the part at the bottom where the UKBA essentially tell them to get knotted. IF they actually ever get anwhere with the case, then come back and tell people.


I see cases like this every day. It's not that the UKBA do not refuse people leave, they do, and it numbers more than people would think. It's the Immigration Judges which are the problem and they are people that are independant of the Home Office. The evidence suggests that they are very unsure of the immigration rules and that is putting it as mildly as possible.

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Don't please try to tell me that the Human rights act is not been used as a yard stick by people coming here to claim things like free health care ect

The Human Rights Act is not being used as a yard stick by people coming here to claim things like free health care. ;)

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