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Human Rights act used to beat us with again.

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Are you two for real ?


Don't please try to tell me that the Human rights act is not been used as a yard stick by people coming here to claim things like free health care ect at the expense of tax payers ...


But you don't use a yardstick to beat people - a yardstick is used to measure things.


I don't understand your original post ... and I'm not sure you do either.

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What if you didn't know where they came from? Most asylum seekers travel with no passport so it makes it impossible to prove exactly where they are from.

The onus should be on them to prove where they come from, rather than us to prove otherwise.


The only countries we should be accepting refugees from are those that are closer to Britain than any other country. We should not be accepting people from the Middle-East or Africa, because there are plenty of countries between there and here that could accomodate them.

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This is my country and I am fed up of people just coming over here because they feel like it. My parents were born here and because they had sex and were still here nine months later, so was I. That makes me british and proud. It also entitles me to a share in this country and the option of being racist purely by the accident of birth. I know some people aren't as fortunate as me but I don't give <removed>.

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This is my country and I am fed up of people just coming over here because they feel like it. My parents were born here and because they had sex and were still here nine months later, so was I. That makes me british and proud. It also entitles me to a share in this country and the option of being racist purely by the accident of birth. I know some people aren't as fortunate as me but I don't give <removed>


You are "fortunate" because your forefathers worked and fought hard to make this country what it is. There is no "accident of birth" unless your parents were jet-setting the world or something.

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You are "fortunate" because your forefathers worked and fought hard to make this country what it is. There is no "accident of birth" unless your parents were jet-setting the world or something.


And my forefathers and mothers instilled in me a concern for others not so fortunate as me.


Hang on. Actually, they didn't. My parents were racist. I grew up in the 70s in a predominantly white environment. I found my own values and spent a while living in London where things were somewhat more cosmopolitan.


It took a while to adjust moving back up here in 1999 as some people were still where my parents were in the 70s. We all share one planet and if we don't get our act together soon there's going to be trouble.

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But you don't use a yardstick to beat people - a yardstick is used to measure things.


I don't understand your original post ... and I'm not sure you do either.

Yard stick, broom handle, whats it matter ?


Besides that if I did mean yard stick it would perfect sense given that people use the human rights act falsely as a measurement to better them selves economically when it was not intended for that. Its about basic moral rights to treat human beings with respect and that in no way means that you have to offer every tom dick and jahlalli a better life here and the same standard of living as everyone else. I mean if these people imagine that we are all off sunning it every year on our hols then they are pretty much mistaken, we have literally gone years without taking our kids on holiday because we couldn't afford it, and we have never been abroad yet !


I most definitely know what Im talking about Obi one, I am still blown over that stories like this are even making the light of day in this country but Im even more bemused that some people here think its ok :loopy:

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Asylum should be for people who face genuine persecution.


So people who want to come here for a better way of life then.


If people want to come here and work, they should go through the proper channels rather than burdening the asylum system.


Enough said.

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You got a problem with foreigners or what?


As my answer to your question was deleted I will answer it in a proper manor and with one of my own...


Firstly No, and secondly, why is it a must if you don't like people who take the micky with this country you automatically have to hate all peoples ?


I think your picking at straws and out for a reaction so as to discredit my legitimate point of view.


Let me know if Im getting warm...

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Asylum should be for people who face genuine persecution.


It does not have to be persecution. Asylum is for people whose life is at risk; that could be for any number of reasons. Currently there are a few million people in Somalia whose life is at risk because of starvation.

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