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Human Rights act used to beat us with again.

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Emphatically not. The argument is that someone obtains privileges because of where he/she was born, and the person being born has absolutely no say whatsoever in where that might be. It's completely pot luck.

How is it pot luck? You are who you are because of who your parents are. The "privileges" you obtain are gained through your parents, and their parents etc working hard to make their country a better place than other countries.


What the hell do you think people fought world wars for?

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When a refugee seeks asylum in some country or other, they are exactly the same.


Correct I just checked UKBA, a person applying for asylum is classed as a refugee.


Asylum is protection given by a country to someone who is fleeing persecution in their own country. It is given under the 1951 United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. To be recognised as a refugee, you must have left your country and be unable to go back because you have a well-founded fear of persecution.


However as far as I can gather not all refugees fleeing war zones, famine or other natural disaster need to seek asylum, but are indeed refugees and can be given refugee status. For example, a person fleeing from famine is not being persecuted so doesn't require asylum, but is a refugee and could be given refugee status.

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Emphatically not. The argument is that someone obtains privileges because of where he/she was born, and the person being born has absolutely no say whatsoever in where that might be. It's completely pot luck.


My bold - the fact is you do 'obtain' privilages (or lack of) due to where you are born. Are you suggesting that people born here for example, are not more privilaged than people born in somewhere like Somalia where there is famine?

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My bold - the fact is you do 'obtain' privilages due to where you are born. Are you suggesting that people born here for example, are not more privilaged than people born in somewhere like Somalia where there is famine?


I'm suggesting that they didn't make any choices that led to that outcome, or have any influence over it.

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How is it pot luck? You are who you are because of who your parents are. The "privileges" you obtain are gained through your parents, and their parents etc working hard to make their country a better place than other countries.


What the hell do you think people fought world wars for?


Of course it's pot luck, you could have been the child of Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela or Saddam Hussein, it's nothing you had any control over.


Incidentally people fight world wars to maintain their own lifestyle and perhaps that of their immediate family, few give any consideration to their future great grandchildren or family they've never seen.

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Do you choose who your parents are, or do you not?


If you do not, then it's pot luck and completely out of your control.

It's under your parents control. Do you believe that people are born at random? Or do you believe that you are who you are because of a) who your parents are and b) the culture and country in which you were raised?


How old are you btw?

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Of course it's pot luck, you could have been the child of Bill Gates, Nelson Mandela or Saddam Hussein, it's nothing you had any control over.


Incidentally people fight world wars to maintain their own lifestyle and perhaps that of their immediate family, few give any consideration to their future great grandchildren or family they've never seen.


<REMOVED>. **** off somewhere else if you're going to spout utter garbage like that.


How could I have been the child of Bill Gates of Saddam Hussein? If they were my parents, I wouldn't be who I am now, I'd be someone else? You're talking utter rubbish, and you know it.

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