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Human Rights act used to beat us with again.

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Why don't you elaborate for a change instead of your one line meaningless questions just because you cant follow the plot of what people are saying or you read into things what you wish ?


You asked me a question earlier and I answered. Then posed one back at you of which I am still waiting for a reply to.


Why do you thing that your here to question and then sit back with no further response ? what makes you special ?


Which question? I didn't see a question.

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Now we are getting somewhere.


You haven't a clue. Just read what people say and stop looking for things that are not there.


Behave, soft lad - you look at what Doingallright said and tell me what the hell he was on about. It's so vague it's pointless.

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Which question? I didn't see a question.


As my answer to your question was deleted I will answer it in a proper manor and with one of my own...


Firstly No, and secondly, why is it a must if you don't like people who take the micky with this country you automatically have to hate all peoples ?


I think your picking at straws and out for a reaction so as to discredit my legitimate point of view.


Let me know if Im getting warm...

This question...
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This question...


You mean - ''why is it a must if you don't like people who take the micky with this country you automatically have to hate all peoples ?''


It doesn't even make sense how can you expect me to answer it?

Perhaps you could try and rephrase it?

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Behave, soft lad - you look at what Doingallright said and tell me what the hell he was on about. It's so vague it's pointless.
I understand him/her.


I don't agree,but I understand.


Obviously they fall foul to the misconception that immigrants get given everything as soon as they hit our soil, which is not what I was talking about when I started the topic (although you'll probably try telling me that I did).

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''why is it a must if you don't like people who take the micky with this country you automatically have to hate all peoples ?''

If the need be, ok...


why is it a must Why is it taken as a matter of fact that


if you don't like people who take the micky with this country if you disagree with people coming here milking the system that was created to help those of us that have been born of this country and have paid into, and had a lineage of family that have paid into the system, with blood sweat, toil and money, for all they can get out of it without any rightful claim other than turning up here and holding us to account with an act that we laid out to ensure basic moral principles and respect towards one and other


you automatically have to hate all peoples ? that having such thoughts or disagreement you therefore must have some loathing of everyone that is different and not of this country, making you some sort of far right, racist bigot (as you allude to)

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If the need be, ok...


why is it a must Why is it taken as a matter of fact that


if you don't like people who take the micky with this country if you disagree with people coming here milking the system that was created to help those of us that have been born of this country and have paid into, and had a lineage of family that have paid into the system, with blood sweat, toil and money, for all they can get out of it without any rightful claim other than turning up here and holding us to account with an act that we laid out to ensure basic moral principles and respect towards one and other


you automatically have to hate all peoples ? that having such thoughts or disagreement you therefore must have some loathing of everyone that is different and not of this country, making you some sort of far right, racist bigot (as you allude to)


The first paragraph - the notion that immigrants turn up and 'milk the system' is largely a load of nonsense spread by the hard of thinking on here and elsewhere - you know the kind of thing ' they get free colour TV's and preferential treatment in the housing queue' etc.

Asylum seekers for example aren't allowed to work, get no choice at all in where they live and get a pitiful amount of money to live on.


Many of the myths about immigrants and the ill feeling towards them is generated by people with a far right agenda, at one end of which lie the emotionally retarded likes of the BNP and the EDL.


Not everyone who has concerns about immigration is a racist.


However - there are a small number of far right hardliners on here who use multiple accounts to try and generate a stream of ill feeling directed at immigrants in general and muslims in particular.


If that doesn't describe you then I apologise if you felt I'd suggested otherwise.

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If that doesn't describe you then I apologise if you felt I'd suggested otherwise.

Thanks, I accept your apology, I put what I put only because of how strongly I felt on reading the story and wanted to share my disgust with others.


Now onto your supposition that there are people on here doing what you say they are... Maybe its just some sort of paranoia ?

How do you know this to be the case ?


It makes far more sense to me given the number of people in Sheffield that of the percentage of those people that use the forum a good few of them are going to see things that they disagree with in the world and post about it and if there is some wide spread concern about immigration, which I believe there is, then your going to get topic about it and people with similar concerns crossing over and posting in the other topics if they have a view on them.


What your suggesting is just playing down the issues and making out that its some sort of small minority or single persons that's just out posting to gain support for an extremist agenda.


This paranoia is offensive to all those people that do think that there is a problem with immigration here and I imagine that its more a case of your own fanaticism with these topics that's an issue with you following them about and systematically playing them down.

Of course if you spend all your time in these sorts of topics, where ever they arise, you are going to see some of the same old names in them and although the people who start the topics are different, to you your mind has invented some sort of nemesis that you feel you have to confront.

Its not a problem to anyone else but you are going to have to restrain from accusing people of things that they are not guilty of, just because of your condition and opposition to the line of thought in these topics.


My advise is have a break from it or get some sort of help, this forum is not worth your sanity my friend ;)

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