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Human Rights act used to beat us with again.

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<REMOVED>. **** off somewhere else if you're going to spout utter garbage like that.


How could I have been the child of Bill Gates of Saddam Hussein? If they were my parents, I wouldn't be who I am now, I'd be someone else? You're talking utter rubbish, and you know it.


Calm down fella, I don't know why you would want people removing who simply disagree with your point of view.


The fact remains that you had no control over who your parents, grandparents or great grandparents were..if you did perhaps you have access to a time machine.


Ps: If anything you should be celebrating your good fortune, not moaning about others who are seeking to better themselves and contribute in the process

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Calm down fella, I don't know why you would want people removing who simply disagree with your point of view.


The fact remains that you had no control over who your parents, grandparents or great grandparents were..if you did perhaps you have access to a time machine.


Ps: If anything you should be celebrating your good fortune, not moaning about others who are seeking to better themselves and contribute in the process


I fear that you're off his Christmas card list B/F. At least Bill Gates couldn't have fathered me, what with me being older than him. However if he was, he would have got my laptop shoved right up his harris this week, bloody Microsoft, get it sorted Bill. :rant:

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I fear that you're off his Christmas card list B/F.
He's probably a Jehovah's Witness anyway :D


At least Bill Gates couldn't have fathered me, what with me being older than him. However if he was, he would have got my laptop shoved right up his harris this week, bloody Microsoft, get it sorted Bill. :rant:

I'll tell him when he nips over for the monthly access visit ;)
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Do you still keep the Kippah by the front door for when they ring the bell? :hihi:


Kippah? I've got a particularly smelly mackerel waiting for them ;)


Talking kippahs did you see Amy Winehouse's manager wearing his at her funeral? A cross between Lennox Lewis and Rabbi Blue :hihi:

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Are you two for real ?


Don't please try to tell me that the Human rights act is not been used as a yard stick by people coming here to claim things like free health care ect at the expense of tax payers of this country because you would go through several keyboards in your attempt to convince me otherwise. Its no secret that people come here to have kids and free health care and if it does not go well for them they then get legal aid to take our government to court and use the very laws that we created to get their on way.

Usually they cave in because the expense of saying no out weighs letting them get what they want.

If you read what I put my post is about using the human rights act to claim entitlements that they are not or should not be entitled to and Im not claiming they actually will get away with it (if sense prevails) but the fact that it can be used in this manor is enough for us to scrap it. I wonder who is paying the legal bills for them to test the system ?


So for us to be convinced in the unshakable knowledge like you yourself possess, and saving us the expense, time and the possibility of damage to the surface skin of our fingers by going through several keyboards, all you have to offer is this?.... http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/3716245/Asylum-seekers-Pay-for-us-to-have-a-holiday.html

as unshakable evidence that we are being beaten with the human rights act again?

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Since the OP is so keen that only people with previous generations within any given country should be allowed to live and work there as a citizen of that country, I take it that s/he approves of an "iron curtain" being raised to keep people IN just as much as to keep people OUT

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Since the OP is so keen that only people with previous generations within any given country should be allowed to live and work there as a citizen of that country, I take it that s/he approves of an "iron curtain" being raised to keep people IN just as much as to keep people OUT
I tell you what, anyone leaving this country tries to bleat about there rights and their 'human rights' would get laughed at.


Its only us FOOLS here that put up with it and let people take the p**s with the act.


Im not out to convince all you do gooder's about anything, But don't try to convince me that Im wrong with what I see and hear with my own senses, you lot can move anyone here for me, as long as you put them up and nothing comes out of our taxes to support them.


Give me a holiday, Laughing Out Loud :hihi:


More like for crying out loud.

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I tell you what, anyone leaving this country tries to bleat about there rights and their 'human rights' would get laughed at.


Its only us FOOLS here that put up with it and let people take the p**s with the act.


Im not out to convince all you do gooder's about anything, But don't try to convince me that Im wrong with what I see and hear with my own senses, you lot can move anyone here for me, as long as you put them up and nothing comes out of our taxes to support them.


Give me a holiday, Laughing Out Loud :hihi:


More like for crying out loud.


You just come across as a mean spirited rather selfish xenophobe really. Perhaps you could try broadening your horizons by mixing more with people of other backgrounds, or maybe do some travelling or voluntary work?

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You just come across as a mean spirited rather selfish xenophobe really. Perhaps you could try broadening your horizons by mixing more with people of other backgrounds, or maybe do some travelling or voluntary work?

I live among it mate, which is probably more than yourself.


I have found that the majority of those that are quick to shoot down those not happy with some of the aspects of immigrants and/or multiculturalism in general, live the furthest from it. I bet its just a novelty concept that has no bearing on your life so you feel relaxed in fighting their corner. As long as their corner is not your corner then you'll probably be ok ;)

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