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Did you make a Den?

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Did you ever make a Den when you were little? Across the road from our house were some woods, so we built a den in some of the bushes, borrowed stuff from our houses to put in, like old chairs and stuff :hihi:, do kids still make dens anymore? Outside i mean, not in the house. We played in that den for ages, pretended it was our home and we lived there :hihi:

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We had loads of dens on the Bolehills. Dragging old furniture up there and then sitting with mates having a laugh.

We even used to 'decorate' them with bits of broken pottery we found on the Bolehills.

Yep...great fun.

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We built a den on the crags at lodge moor,We found a piece of plastic wrapping,must have been on a carpet or similar,it was big enough to drag over a tree branch forming a tent like reasonably watertight den,we liberated stools etc to furnish it,I can still vividly remember sitting in there with the rain lashing down kept us fairly dry unless you were the one sat near the back where there was a rip!!Happy carefree days,sadly never to return,at least one person who shared that den is no longer with us,never saw his 40th!!RIP John.

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we made a few over the years, i can remember one we did in a tree it was brilliant we "borrowed" dads hammer and some nails and got loads of old wood and made walls we got old bits of carpets and curtains and even some roof felt my dad had left over from re roofing the shed at home :D that den lasted years sadly theres only the floor left now and some of the doorway i took my son to have a look the other day and he thought i was insane :hihi:


i can also remember making a massive one at the top of our garden under the big tree when we lived on prince of wales road it was HUGE! we had 2 rooms downstairs and a small one up in the tree. it had an old sofa in it and even a kitchen diner! :o and a drive where we used to park our scooters and go karts :hihi:

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We use to spend hours making dens, old wood from skips and like you all say sit there like it was out house, no one was allowed in unless they were in our little gang (not a gang like these days though) no one ever smashed it up or anything, and it was funny trying to get in someone elses den. about 2 years we spent on making dens and im sure if I went on ruskin park now in those bushes on top of the field or where the trees like xmas trees are next to the bigger park there would still be remnants of it all there.


I doubt kids now would do it, and to be honest woudl we want our kids these days to hang around in bushes. Im only 27 and makes me sound really old, but things have changed ALOT since i was young and building dens

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yes I remmember making one at my formmer home yonks back...was a place 0f my uwn where only the lucky got in.


That was the old shed your Dad used to lock you and your brother in if you misbehaved....

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I remember making a den with my friends lol. We used to nick the wood from Jimmy child's slide it down the hill and we would build for hours ,the hours of fun we had sitting inside it telling ghost stories round a little fire and roasting potatoes on it ..........lolol Gawd that takes me back what fun lolol

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