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If they swapped their guns for tools.

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HeadingNorth is right. Your prejudices and preconceptions about forum contributions are showing, Tony.


Headingnorth is usually always right. It's why I respect his opinion. I still don't think Bassman made a standard observation. Am I missing something with Bassman? Have I defended the wrong poster even though I agreed with the post?

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I object to that too. They have terrible gay rights. But hey it's not like they're the Muslim militia in Somalia. There's the point. Why mention Christians in Uganda when we're discussing Somalia and why people are starving. That was my orignal line to you Boyfriday. Bassman was on topic. Islam plays a role same as Christianity plays a role in Uganda.


Your argument seemed to sway at your shock/horror that we somehow shouldn't involve ourselves because 1) "We're fattening them up" and 2) You're resentful of your tax pound being used to continue the situation. Well we're fattening them up in Uganda and your tax pound is going into bathroom Gold taps and Black Merc's


The difference with Uganda and Somalia is not religion but starvation. I'm not sure if you've watched any news lately but Somalia has been designated a famine zone mainly due to weather conditions, not guns or warlords..they've been there for years.

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Absolutely, but I guarantee if his comment had been left unchallenged your thread would have been overrun with the xenophobes who are incapable of maintaining a coherent argument. I'm not suggesting Bassman is one of those by the way.

I agree.

You're right, I wasn't saying that. The leaders in Somalia follow a flawed doctrine and economic/social policies, but to say it's entirely the fault of religion would be wrong in my opinion.


You don't know if it would have remained unchallenged. I'm anti religion, I'm not a racist or xenophobe and would have treated each post accordingly.


You admit that they do follow a flawed which is essentially what Bassman said. He just used the word Islam.

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Your argument seemed to sway at your shock/horror that we somehow shouldn't involve ourselves because 1) "We're fattening them up" and 2) You're resentful of your tax pound being used to continue the situation. Well we're fattening them up in Uganda and your tax pound is going into bathroom Gold taps and Black Merc's


The difference with Uganda and Somalia is not religion but starvation. I'm not sure if you've watched any news lately but Somalia has been designated a famine zone mainly due to weather conditions, not guns or warlords..they've been there for years.


Which they were warned about years ago but chose to carry on fighting.

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I object to that too. They have terrible gay rights. But hey it's not like they're the Muslim militia in Somalia. There's the point. Why mention Christians in Uganda when we're discussing Somalia and why people are starving. That was my orignal line to you Boyfriday. Bassman was on topic. Islam plays a role same as Christianity plays a role in Uganda.


I mentioned it for the same reasons you might introduce an analogy to a discussion of cause & effect.


I believed Bassman's argument was flawed and gave an example of another African country that suffers similarly but where Islam isn't the predominant creed. I used Abu Hamza (a Muslim) negatively in another analogy in reply to one of your posts.

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You don't know if it would have remained unchallenged. I'm anti religion, I'm not a racist or xenophobe and would have treated each post accordingly.

Well the challenge was clearly something you objected to, rather than what he said.

You admit that they do follow a flawed which is essentially what Bassman said. He just used the word Islam.

..and I highlighted a Christian regime which is similarly flawed, I wasn't championing the Somalian one.
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Bassman stayed within the context of the discussion. He gave his reason why he thinks Somalians are starving. You just mentioned Christian gangsters in Uganda without much point other than to make Bassman seem prejudice towards Islam. Islam is playing a role in Somalia is it not?


No it was intended to encourage Bass to engage his grey matter, he's bright enough to do that, that's why it required no further observation.

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Shouldn't you aim that comment at the person who actually did turn it into a Muslim bashing thread, instead of the person trying to defend them?

So what is there to defend about the Mulsim conduct in Somalia.

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