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Fresh Hope for the McCann's

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Whilst I agree that in the remote chance that Maddie was kidnapped and is still alive out there that it must be torture on some level for the parents I believe that the child is long gone, her parents actions, particularly the mother have never said to me distraught they have said cold and neglectful. I partly believe this due to a documentary where Kate McGann took reporters back to the villa and described what happened on that night. On getting to the room her children were sleeping in and opening the door to check on them she noticed the curtain blowing in the breeze and commented she did not leave the window open when she went out. Did she then switch on the light and check everything was as it should be? No, she closed the door and returned to the people she was out with. Oh and doctors, educated, highly intelligent people, going out and leaving 3 children alone, in fact ANY parent doing that absolutely begets belief.

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Do you realise how that sounds ,They thought they were better than us ..and they gave them something stronger ,are you saying they drugged them to sleep.

Then you go on to say well but thats all over and done with now.

well thats ok then isnt it.


Nikita, thanks for your reply. What I meant was that nothing can now be proved. Sorry If I sounded flippant, it certainly wasn't intended.

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I notice the main news sites are ignoring this ,do you not think that if there had been any truth in this all the press and their uncles would have been jetting off to India and setting up camp,maybe they can spot a publicity stunt quicker than the forum members


It was the front page story on some of today's newspapers

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It was the front page story on some of today's newspapers

After the initial story was well under way I had a good look on the news websites earlier on in the life of this thread not one report from anywhere until the Mirror published the denial ,as I said a case of this magnitude should have had the news lines red hot but there was nary a scarat

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