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Islamic extremists set up Sharia law controlled zones in British cities

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its a few idiots that WANT sharia law in this country BUT WONT GET IT, they just have far too much time on their hands and hatched yet another new plan to annoy people, nothing less nothing more.


this country has never been under sharia law, isnt now and never will


You remain ignorant of what is going on, Sharia Law IS being enforced on some local populations. It also happens to be in an area where the local mosque continually preaches bigotry and hatred, and the local council has close links with Islamic extremists.



^^ I seriously urge everybody to read this link ^^


And this has all happened without the help of MAC. If MAC want to export it to other parts of London or the country, we should oppose them for the fascists they are.


The victims are people like the Muslim lady in this video (fast forward to 1:27).


We should absolutely be supporting her rights and oppose any move towards implementing Sharia Law.




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I just hope they're making the right judgements, as in the cases below from the times article:


" In the six cases of domestic violence, Siddiqi said the judges ordered the husbands to take anger management classes and mentoring from community elders. There was no further punishment.


In each case, the women subsequently withdrew the complaints they had lodged with the police and the police stopped their investigations. "


Looks like these anger management classes are the business, maybe we should find out just exactly where they are, a 100% success rate's pretty impressive.

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You remain ignorant of what is going on, Sharia Law IS being enforced on some local populations. It also happens to be in an area where the local mosque continually preaches bigotry and hatred, and the local council has close links with Islamic extremists.



^^ I seriously urge everybody to read this link ^^


And this has all happened without the help of MAC. If MAC want to export it to other parts of London or the country, we should oppose them for the facists they are.


The victims are people like the Muslim lady in this video (fast forward to 1:27).


We should absolutely be supporting her rights and oppose any move towards implementing Sharia Law.




Whats really disgusting is thre are people that will come on here and condone the sort of things outlined in that article.

Either that or they will just whinge about anyone who believes it is anti muslim and biggoted!!

Pathetic losers!

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Whats really disgusting is thre are people that will come on here and condone the sort of things outlined in that article.

Either that or they will just whinge about anyone who believes it is anti muslim and biggoted!!

Pathetic losers!


Can you name anyone who's condoned such things, or are you just spouting hot air?

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Whats really disgusting is thre are people that will come on here and condone the sort of things outlined in that article.

Either that or they will just whinge about anyone who believes it is anti muslim and biggoted!!

Pathetic losers!


Can we have a link to a post condoning actions like this please?

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Because the loons and cranks of the MAC only number about 17 people.


And that's after about 3 years :)


You do not have to be a member of it to be affected by it.


I'm not a member and I'm not affected by it (and neither are millions of others).


Must be something wrong with you, Mecks :D

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Sharia law has always been here it just doesnt get publicised,the only time anything is revealed is when someone has the cojones to speak out..and thats very rare

As long as it doesnt affect me or mine I couldnt care less what they do in their own community.

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Can you name anyone who's condoned such things, or are you just spouting hot air?


Can we have a link to a post condoning actions like this please?


I don't even recall anyone on this forum ever claiming that Sharia law was a good idea, or that they'd support its introduction.


Try nightlight in post 111 and 125.

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No, it doesn't. Religious Courts' jurisdiction is:

a. accepted by adherents; but

b. unenforceable in English law unless they sign a binding Agreement to treat the hearing as an Arbitration.


NB: This applies to:

a. Consistory Courts (CoE);

b. Beth Din (Jewish);

c. Sharia Courts (Moslem); and

d. any other religion's in-house jurisdictional system.





Nobody can impose the sharia, or indeed any law system other than the British one. In that you are correct.


People can, legitimately, set up a court that operates by some legal system other than the British one, but it can only rule on any legal dispute if all parties involved agree to use it and abide by it. Jewish communities have had such courts for many years, resolving disputes among Jews according to traditional Jewish law; I do believe that some Muslim communities now have similar ones.


In no case can such courts try criminal cases, or impose punishments. They can only arbitrate in civil disputes - and, to repeat the point, only if all parties involved agree to let them. Nobody can ever be hauled before a Sharia court against their will.


Thank you.


You have answered all my questions.

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