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Islamic extremists set up Sharia law controlled zones in British cities

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Their book is less a book of faith and more an A to Z on how to bitchslap infidels. Its a violent religion thats even more out of date than the rest of them.


I'm not an expert, but I do know a number of muslims. The ones I know aren't violent and do live their lives by, ahem, christian values. Y'know - love your neighbour, don't steal, that kind of thing. They seem to be like me (and possibly you) - try to bring their kids up nicely, go to work or agonise about redundancy, wonder how to pay the mortgage, sometimes buy new curtains and occasionally a new car.


I also know 'lapsed' muslims, who are as 'lapsed' as any 'lapsed' christian in that they don't go to mosque, do drink (perhaps), do smoke (perhaps), just live their lives quietly.


Most muslims aren't extremists, any more than most christians aren't either.

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no they arent, they have twisted islam to fit THIER warped views




agree, finally, but its a very small number who do

Thats what you are led to believe ,read the quoran and the haddiths you may come to a different conclusion.You see what may be a minority over here in the watered down version doesnt mean that those in the east are the same or act the same,any eastern muslim ruled country you wish to look into is by far and above more radical and extremist to what you encounter over here,they are the people you should be wary of simply because they are the ones who dictate to the rest of the muslim world,when the numbers increase over here you will see a difference in attitudes,Halibut continually states he knows muslims ,I also know and have dealings with muslims and I daresay a lot of other non muslim people do ,do you honestly think,if you have read the quoran,they are going to share their true feelings with what they call the infidel,if you think that you are more naive than I could ever take you for.

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