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Islamic extremists set up Sharia law controlled zones in British cities

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What the british law says about what?

The people putting up the stickers have no right to stop anyone doing any of the things they refer to on the stickers, if that's what you mean.




What I mean is how can we possibly have two law systems in the same country?


Does is mean that in the sharia zones the British law can't apply?

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What I mean is how can we possibly have two law systems in the same country?


Does is mean that in the sharia zones the British law can't apply?


The 'Sharia zones' don't actually exist outside of the imagination of the people who put up the stickers.

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Why do you doubt it, Anjem Choudary is hardly unknown to the court system. Would you have someone convicted of an offence before the police investigated it?


Well, I would have thought that if I had been him, my doorbell would be ringing if they hadn't caught up with me by now. EDIT: The Police that is.

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Well the comments on the page itself (MailOnline), would suggest otherwise.


Sorry the point I'm making is that Muslims shouldn't be required to offer their view any more than anyone else here, apologies if I misread your post and that isn't what you were suggesting.

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