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St Thomas More School

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Hi John McBlade,


Yes it seems like another life, it's so long ago now. You probably went on to St. Peters Like most of us from that school? I seem to remember more about Thomas Mores than St Peters though!


A couple more teachers I can recall are Sister Kathleen I think, who was an infant teacher. We had a student teacher in J4 called Miss Yeullot who took us for a trip around Sheff Weds footy ground which I thought was just wonderful. Although being a Blade, like yourself, very much enjoyed wearing my red and white scarf all day, as did other United supporting pupils.


On a sunny day like today we'd be taken outside to do lessons. I remember endless football in the playground and playing football BADLY for the school team! I remember kids playing marbles in the grates outside at break-time. Sometimes we would be allowed to use the cricket stuff at lunch time. I hated swimming lessons at Chapletown on Thursdays. I remember John McKenna seemingly being able to hit the ball like a bullet in football practice in the hall. I recall playing rounders during games lessons on the field at the front of the school.


Somewhere I've got a First Holy Communion photo with the class outside Thomas More Church in Parsons Cross. I'll try and dig it out. Like I say we probably mostly went on to St Petes or maybe some kids to Notre Damme or Delle a Selle. I can remember a few names now just writing this.

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