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Bela Lugosi at the Lyceum in August 1951

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I'm researching Bela Lugosi's British tour of Dracula in 1951. From August 6-11, he appeared at the Lyceum . Did you see the play? Did you meet him? Do you have any cuttings or a programme? I'd love to hear from you.


Andi Brooks


I was only four in 1951, but from what my mother tells me, I would have scared him to death. :hihi:

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I'm researching Bela Lugosi's British tour of Dracula in 1951. From August 6-11, he appeared at the Lyceum . Did you see the play? Did you meet him? Do you have any cuttings or a programme? I'd love to hear from you.


Andi Brooks


hiya i'd written on another thread about a mate of mine whose father worked at the victoria hotel at this time, once he told us that he was working as a porter and was working the lift one night when someone asked him to take him up in the lift and when he saw who it was he said he never took his eyes off him once and was glad when the guest got off, it was bella lugosi.

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hiya i'd written on another thread about a mate of mine whose father worked at the victoria hotel at this time, once he told us that he was working as a porter and was working the lift one night when someone asked him to take him up in the lift and when he saw who it was he said he never took his eyes off him once and was glad when the guest got off, it was bella lugosi.


That's a wonderful story. Do you know the name of your mate's father? I've written a book on Lugosi in Britain, now I'm preparing an updated new edition. All help will be credited.


Is the hotel what is now known as the Holiday Inn the Royal Victoria Hotel?

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That's a wonderful story. Do you know the name of your mate's father? I've written a book on Lugosi in Britain, now I'm preparing an updated new edition. All help will be credited.


Is the hotel what is now known as the Holiday Inn the Royal Victoria Hotel?


hiya my mates fathers name was robert bradley, he lived on egerton street, broomhall districl sheffield. he always said when he realised who it was he was having shivers down his back, not often that your alone in a lift with a real vampire is it ,ha ha. and yes i think it is. it is the one at the top of the old station approach, it might be of no use to you but i was surprised the old victoria station was closed down, it was i thought the best of the two, i remember to get to the platforms you went through a tunnel under all the lines i remember the last time i used it it was for a fishing trip in the 50s down the witham.

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