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Help with unwanted hair!

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I used to have a lovely head of chestnut brown hair. It started disappearing when I was in my late 20's/early 30's. Now I'm left with a close-cropped head of silver-grey hair. I have to keep it close-cropped or it looks like my head is a bird's nest from the back.


My fringe and I split up some years ago. It had always been a love/hate relationship to be honest. I remember fondly chewing on it, in double geography at school, but it used to get in my eyes as well and I started to develop a little tick, flicking my head to one side to try and remove it from my line of vision. I'm glad I stopped doing that because I'd look daft now seeing as I have no fringe.


That's bad enough. But even worse is the fact that not only does the hair disapper from the place I'd like it (on my head), but the bloody thing starts appearing from places I don't want it. Like out of my ears and my nose. And even my eyebrows are becoming a bit "Denis Healey".


These are things that God has sent to try me. To see how I respond. It is a test of character and I am up for it.


So, my partner bought me one of those "nasal hair trimmers" for Christmas. When you open a Christmas present (in front of family) you should always try and look grateful. I found it hard to do that. I mean, what do you say? "Oh, wonderful, just what I always wanted! A nasal-hair trimmer with snot guard".


Anyhow, I used it for a while. It was like having a bee fly up your nose. Not nice. The sound of nasal hair being munched by a little sliver coloured, vibrator shaped, nose piece, isn't good. But it kept the excesses at bay, for about a week!


My partner is keen that I remain "groomed" so she will regularly take to me with her tweezers. Having your nasal hair plucked out is not nice - I'm glad she is willing to do it for me and doesn't think any the worse of me for it. After all, it's not my fault that spiders legs are hanging out of my nostrils. She will also pluck my ear hairs as well. God bless her. She knows I don't need to look like I'm trying to receive short-wave radio from my tabs.


But the big challenge for blokes like me is on a grander scale! :o


When you go grey on your head you go grey elsewhere! So, my chest looks like a burst sofa with grey wire wool poking out. I don't like that.


When I was a little kid, I could tell old dogs from young dogs by the greyness of their muzzle and chest. This tells me I am now and old dog so I have to do something about that.


I shaved off my chest hair this evening. It was quick and painless actually and I feel better for it. To ease the razor burn I smattered myself in "Crisp and Dry" cooking oil. Which seems to have worked a treat. My father recommended it to me once. Indeed, I am a "chip" off the old block.


Anyhow, my question is this...


Do you have a problem with unwanted hair? If so, where? Nose, ears, nipples, duvet, toothbrush?


And how are you going about fixing it?:confused:

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I'm fairly hirsute in the 'downstairs department'. I was wondering ... is it deemed OK for blokes to go 'Brazilian'? :huh:

If so, how do you do it? I think that hot wax stuff that ladies use would result in tears and a razor would be out of the question! :gag:

'Plucking' would certainly be out of the window for the same reasons!

What are the alternatives? :huh:

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I'm fairly hirsute in the 'downstairs department'. I was wondering ... is it deemed OK for blokes to go 'Brazilian'? :huh:

If so, how do you do it? I think that hot wax stuff that ladies use would result in tears and a razor would be out of the question! :gag:

'Plucking' would certainly be out of the window for the same reasons!

What are the alternatives? :huh:


Get the missus to nibble.

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I'm fairly hirsute in the 'downstairs department'. I was wondering ... is it deemed OK for blokes to go 'Brazilian'? :huh:

If so, how do you do it? I think that hot wax stuff that ladies use would result in tears and a razor would be out of the question! :gag:

'Plucking' would certainly be out of the window for the same reasons!

What are the alternatives? :huh:


You could try 'laser treatment' (but make sure you don't burn anything else off!)


Remember, lasers can damage your eyes and some of the hairs are the longest hairs on your body. - The roots go up into your eyeballs (as you will find out if you pull one. - It'll make your eyes water!)


It's probably easier to use a blowlamp.

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I'm fairly hirsute in the 'downstairs department'. I was wondering ... is it deemed OK for blokes to go 'Brazilian'? :huh:

If so, how do you do it? I think that hot wax stuff that ladies use would result in tears and a razor would be out of the question! :gag:

'Plucking' would certainly be out of the window for the same reasons!

What are the alternatives? :huh:


I guess you never heard of manscaping :hihi:

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You could try 'laser treatment' (but make sure you don't burn anything else off!)

Don't really think I want a 'Jean Michel Jarre'

How about if I dipped my tackle in liquid nitrogen and then smashed the hairs off with a ball pein hammer ... do you think that'd work? :huh:

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