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Garry Hill Of Colley Crescent

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Hi There!

Does anyone know if Garry Hill of Colley Crescent in the 70's is still around? I used to be a mate of his and we lost touch when we left the area, he went into the Army or something similar! He had a Sister called Sue i think and he lived on the half-moon on Parson Cross! If you know of him, please tell him i'm looking for him and would like to get in touch at my email address!


Paul M. Timmins

(Now Skegness)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings Paul,


I have no idea where Garry is these days, but you may remember me.

Adrian Walker, I used to live at 42 Colley Crescent and knocked around with yourself, Baker, Burley and Snape.


I bet you thought you would never hear from me ever again.


I am based in Nottingham these days.


Best wishes to you.

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Hi Adrian!

Well well well my friend! Yes we spent a lot of time together as friends, playing football and riding our bikes, aswell as listening to radio, i remember the time you first got your "cassette recorder" and you would tape Top Of The Pops etc...... good old days eh?


I met up with Phil and Alan about 10 years ago at Phils Mum & Dads golden wedding, sadly Mr. Baker has since passed away! As for Colin Snape, never heard or seen anything of him since we left Colley Avenue, and Garry well i knew he was bound for the Army so i don't know if he's still alive even!


OK re your based in Nottingham.... wonder what you thought when you came across my plea then? I was in touch with your Caroline on Friends Reunited but i lost touch with her too a few years ago!


Are you on Facebook Adrian? i'm logged in under my full name of Paul Michael Timmins if you care to add me we could chat live etc...???


How are your Mum & Dad, and i apologise in advance for the question incase they are sadly not with us? My Mum & Dad are 70 & 75 respectively and i'm 52 so we are getting old Adrian :)


Hope to hear from you soon.... we had some great times together on the HALF MOON didn't we? It would be nice to know a little about how we've faired since we were last in each others company, i'm sure you agree?!


Best regards to you and your family Adrian and thanks for replying to this thread


Paul M. Timmins

(Skegness, Lincs)

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Hi Paul and Adrian - the births index confirms that a Garry Hill (this spelling of Garry) was born in Sheffield in 1959. The the 2004 electoral roll shows only one Garry Hill in the Sheffield area (at Anston) - could be the right one. PM me if you'd like the address - it might be worth the price of a stamp (though I also have a phone number)..:)

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