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Animal cruelty in abattoirs

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Wrong. The instant that the jugular is severed, the animal loses sentience and falls into immediate unconsciousness.

It experiences none of the anthropomorphic projections that you imagine.


I expect thats what they tell you in your mosque or synagogue and I wish it was true, but it isnt. Anthropomorphic has nothing to do with it, physiologically mammals respiratory tracts are pretty similar and if you had your throat slit however sharp the knife you would not pass out instantly.

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I expect thats what they tell you in your mosque or synagogue and I wish it was true, but it isnt. Anthropomorphic has nothing to do with it, physiologically mammals respiratory tracts are pretty similar and if you had your throat slit however sharp the knife you would not pass out instantly.


If one was to find oneself on an island with only a knife as a weapon, would it not be the most preferred method of death? Surely this would be less painful then strangling any animal, even a chicken. The only other option would be to stab the animal in the heart, but that is dependent on whether you know where the heart is on the animal. If you look at the animal kingdom, they always go for the throat.

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If one was to find oneself on an island with only a knife as a weapon, would it not be the most preferred method of death? Surely this would be less painful then strangling any animal, even a chicken. The only other option would be to stab the animal in the heart, but that is dependent on whether you know where the heart is on the animal. If you look at the animal kingdom, they always go for the throat.


but abbatoirs aren't islands:confused:


ps chickens don't get strangled, their necks get broken rather like when we had hanging, the humane idea was to break the persons neck via a sudden drop.

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The worst thing I can see from that video footage is that these blokes really enjoy their job, they enjoy the suffering. I doubt it would take much for any of those involved to kill a human, they are monsters.

That's the critical point, isn't it. Trained slaughtermen avoid animal suffering; these boors didn't.

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Wrong. The instant that the jugular is severed, the animal loses sentience and falls into immediate unconsciousness.

It experiences none of the anthropomorphic projections that you imagine.



The real question is, if you were about to have your throat cut would you rather be conscious or stunned unconscious.


I think that speaks for itself.

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The real question is, if you were about to have your throat cut would you rather be conscious or stunned unconscious.


I think that speaks for itself.

Yes, it so does. Anyone would prefer an infallible, instantaneous loss of consciousness by a trained and monitored professional (throat cut, carotid artery slit, blood pressure immediately released) to a fallible, inadequate electric stun-gun fired by a clumsy boor.

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