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Animal cruelty in abattoirs

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I expect thats what they tell you in your mosque or synagogue and I wish it was true, but it isnt. Anthropomorphic has nothing to do with it, physiologically mammals respiratory tracts are pretty similar and if you had your throat slit however sharp the knife you would not pass out instantly.


True. They die in choking guttering pain - doesn't last long but the animal would rather the old electric ear muffs anyday.

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No, they don't die in choking guttering pain. Best to view the process before making foolishly tendentious statements.


Bit quick on the edit there jeff!


You don't know what I've seen or know foolish boy - you are talking poopoo if you are trying to tell anyone that throat cutting is painless - perhaps you might try it and come back to us when you are better informed.

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The way of animal husbandry is destined to deteriorate as populations grow - it's a top reason for going veggy - but I'm sure you'll all cry into your pork dinner this evening - me included.


Meat will still be processed.



We have intensive farming and ever increasing automation of the industry.


Cows milked by robots on a production line.


VION has just closed 2 factories in South Yorkshire. Jobs will be lost, the same amount of meat processed as operations are moved to factories with more automation.


That link is the intro to a computer game from over a decade ago...

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