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Reading Books Online

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Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to read books online? I will be starting a course in September and thought this would be cost and time effective. I don't know if this is even possible to do online hence me asking :D

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I know that Amazon have released a kindle for PC which is free to download. After this, there are a few books available for free. Others are at considerably cheaper prices than hard copy books.

What books do you need?

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Quite a few academic books are on Google Books, but you often only get selected chapters and lots of pages omitted. If you're starting a Uni course they will probably buy key chapters from books for every student to have an pdf copy.


Unfortunately, it's likely that most of the books you need won't be available online. Furthermore, most academic books are expensive (lots are £50 plus...).


Make good use of the library!!

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Just to add, I read almost all my fiction books on a kindle type thing these days but in my opinion you really can't beat paper for academic books. I think you remember things better because you 'learn' the structure of the book in a way that you don't with when reading from a screen.

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