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Islamists begin their attempts to steal the Egyptian revolution

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The war crime that was 'Operation Cast Lead' (as well as the illegal blockade which is still in place) against the Palestinians.


I'm surprised you didn't know the Nazi-like actions of a certain 'democracy' in the Middle East (against a civilian population).


Although one would always feel sorry for ill treatment of other human beings the situation in Palestine has nothing to do with the UK. We should keep a distance and let them get on with it. To be Frank, I don't really care. I'm more interested in putting things right in this country...

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Although one would always feel sorry for ill treatment of other human beings the situation in Palestine has nothing to do with the UK. We should keep a distance and let them get on with it. To be Frank, I don't really care. I'm more interested in putting things right in this country...


But it is the support and foreign policies of USA/UK that create the ongoing tensions.


It was not long ago when Cameron uttered:


“With me you have a prime minister whose belief in Israel is indestructible. And you have a prime minister who wants to build a strong and productive relationship with Israel,” he told the audience of over 1,100 at the Grosvenor House Hotel in Park Lane, central London.


“I will always be a strong defender of the Jewish people. I will always be an advocate for the State of Israel,” he said.


I don't hate Jews or Jewish people in general and never have or ever will- but the regime occupying Israel are far from acting in accordance with the Jewish belief just as the groups calling themselves Al Qaida or whichever sub-name they choose to go under, are acting in accordance with the teachings of Islam.


There are Jewish groups denouncing the current Israeli government just as there are Muslim groups denouncing the groups under various Islamic guises whose real aim is to cause destruction and create disharmony.

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there you go again with your drivel. Israel is not a 'regime' but a democratic sovereign nation and it's not 'occupying' anything, but administering the West Bank in accordance with UNSCR 242 as recognised by the Palestinian Authority.

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there you go again with your drivel. Israel is not a 'regime' but a democratic sovereign nation and it's not 'occupying' anything, but administering the West Bank in accordance with UNSCR 242 as recognised by the Palestinian Authority.


He said the regime occupying Israel meaning the current people in charge in Israel and not that Israel is a regime.

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there you go again with your drivel. Israel is not a 'regime' but a democratic sovereign nation and it's not 'occupying' anything, but administering the West Bank in accordance with UNSCR 242 as recognised by the Palestinian Authority.


Also what about the UNSCR's that Israel doesn't adhere to?

Like these for instance= http://www.vcoders.org/forum/showthread.php?t=37743

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I took a look at the situation over there when this first kicked off and came to the conclusion there was a serious danger of a war with Israel led my Egypt.

I was told I was talking crap.

Now we see the extremists trying to take over a state that was very well armed by the US. (Again).

Does my possible future look so stupid now?


No but go and look in a mirror.:hihi:

The Egyptians couldn't fight when they were well armed by the Soviets so what difference will a bunch of rifle waving 'Ali Snack Bar' chanting Egyptians make?

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He said the regime occupying Israel meaning the current people in charge in Israel and not that Israel is a regime.
And he pointed out the Israel is a sovereign state recognised by the UN and the 'Civillised World'.
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Although one would always feel sorry for ill treatment of other human beings the situation in Palestine has nothing to do with the UK. We should keep a distance and let them get on with it. To be Frank, I don't really care. I'm more interested in putting things right in this country...
Once again well said, we should look after our own first.
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No but go and look in a mirror.:hihi:

The Egyptians couldn't fight when they were well armed by the Soviets so what difference will a bunch of rifle waving 'Ali Snack Bar' chanting Egyptians make?


My Bold=


I bet your well chuffed now Bassman62, i havn't heard your ali snack bar line for a while now, does it make you feel good when you come out with it? :hihi:

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upinwath says that Egypt is a state that has been very well armed by the US. I'm not sure what his "(again)" reference is about. He's right, they have lots of sophisticated and highly complicated Western (not just US) kit.


So let's say that the Islamists take power in Egypt. How long will all that sophisticated Western weaponery take to start breaking down and going unservicable? How quickly will the highly technically trained and industrialised Egyptian economy, (where's a sarcastic emoticon when you want one), be able to start manufacturing the required spare parts?


In short, how long will it be before the Egyptian military ends up in the same boat as the Iranian military? You remember the Iranian military, before the Islamists took power in Iran, they were, by a long way, the strongest Islamic country militarily, being armed with sophisticated Western kit. Now? Now they are more or less a military joke. Because the West pulled the plug on supplying spare parts. An extremist Islamic Egypt, so close to Europe - how many spare parts do you think they will be getting from the West?

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