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Islamists begin their attempts to steal the Egyptian revolution

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And he pointed out the Israel is a sovereign state recognised by the UN and the 'Civillised World'.


Read the link in post 26 regarding the 65 UNSCR's that Israel doesn't adhere to.

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Israel is not a 'regime' but a democratic sovereign nation and it's not 'occupying' anything, but administering the West Bank in accordance with UNSCR 242 as recognised by the Palestinian Authority.


Lol ! - an illegal Occupation that the entire planet recognises, but the PA doesn't ?


What a sick statement you've made there, callippo.

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The only thing with these type of scenarios are why the the riots are happening in the first place; nobody seems to have any idea who the rebels are and what they want.


They want to ban Bras like they do in Somalia.

One Egyptian entrepreneur has already bought millions of 'Wife Beating Canes' to sell when sharia takes over.

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Regardless of that Israel is still recognised by the UN and the Civillised Worls as a Sovereign State.


Yes, and a state that engages in wanton killings of an Occupied civilian population.


How does that make you feel, Bassman ? - proud ?

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upinwath says that Egypt is a state that has been very well armed by the US. I'm not sure what his "(again)" reference is about. He's right, they have lots of sophisticated and highly complicated Western (not just US) kit.


So let's say that the Islamists take power in Egypt. How long will all that sophisticated Western weaponery take to start breaking down and going unservicable? How quickly will the highly technically trained and industrialised Egyptian economy, (where's a sarcastic emoticon when you want one), be able to start manufacturing the required spare parts?


In short, how long will it be before the Egyptian military ends up in the same boat as the Iranian military? You remember the Iranian military, before the Islamists took power in Iran, they were, by a long way, the strongest Islamic country militarily, being armed with sophisticated Western kit. Now? Now they are more or less a military joke. Because the West pulled the plug on supplying spare parts. An extremist Islamic Egypt, so close to Europe - how many spare parts do you think they will be getting from the West?


No sorry mate you got it wrong, the Egyptian soldiers sold most of their weapons via the black to the warlords in the 'Horn Of Africa' (Those weapons that they didn't abandon in Sinai:hihi::hihi:).

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