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Should I let the groom sort wedding suit without my approval?

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my htb thinks i shouldn,t have any say in what wedding suit he chooses:(..I,m not happy about this and think i should have a say as i,ve got my colour scheme and i want it to match.is it normal for the groom to do this? am i being a bridezilla? lol

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Well mine decided what colour he wanted his suit to be but he told me and it's ivory, which is one of our colours so that's ok. But then again they are our colours, we picked them together. I figured he should get a say since I chose my dress. Just ask him not to clash. Work together and you should be able to sort it out, communication is key.

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Yes lass.

I'd start putting my foot down and start telling him what to do before we were even married. He'll love that and it saves all that messing about with expensive divorce lawyers if he realises what you are before you get married..


Divorce rate


I'm glad my wife and I discuss things properly before she tells me what I can do.

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lol well he,s had 9 years to get used to me telling him what to do and still wants to marry me ,anyway we have agreed he can pick his own as long as his cravat is fushia and his waistcoat is white.so there.ll be no talk of divorce on this thread unless its yours ha ha ha ...

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This is weird


What on earth is he planning to wear?


TBH, what can he actually do to upset the colour scheme (unless he's got a thing about bright green or something)?


Weddings can get pretty intimidating for the male party involved, and it's easy for them to feel pushed out. If you feel that strongly about the suit, barter over the set list for the DJ or something else that's less important to you

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wish ppl would read the thread ,i,ve already said he,s choose his own suit prince edward grey,i just wanted to be sure he got the correct colour( fushia) tie and hankie to match the bridal party, whats flippin wierd about that!!!

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