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"101" Don't make me larf.

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For all those who are eager to give the advice when there is noise going on that is disrupting peoples lives, with the "Ring 101" Don't. They are a complete waste of time and tax payers money.


I won't go into detail but myself and a couple of other neighbours rang them when they came on duty at 7pm yesterday, after having to listen to the boom-boom of someones music, from a street away since lunchtime.

All very nice on the phone and they arrived at mine about 9.30 ( no annon with these guys as the whole street has to see it's you who rang) to have a listen to how loud it is in my house, even though when they pulled up it was blaringly obvious that it was way too loud to be anywhere near exceptable.


To cut a long story short I was told that if it was at an okay level with all my windows shut (middle of summer here) and with my tv on (I'm usually a reader) then it was ok.

Why do they bother? Just what is their function?


They did ring me back later to say that they had also had a complaint from someone who lives next door to the "party goers" and that because it was noisier there (well hello) that they had told them to turn it down, they did, around midnight.


People will continue to ignore the bounds of decency whilst ever they know they can get away with it, which in this country they obviously can.

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There is a pub near me who put huge speakers outside when they have a special function. The last one,about a month ago,started at 12 noon and continued until 5am the next morning.


If this isn,t causing a public nuisance, or disturbing the peace,I don't know what is.


This,by the way,is in the middle of a housing estate,noy some out-of-the way place.


It makes you feel like going round with a lump hammer.

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There is a pub near me who put huge speakers outside when they have a special function. The last one,about a month ago,started at 12 noon and continued until 5am the next morning.


If this isn,t causing a public nuisance, or disturbing the peace,I don't know what is.


This,by the way,is in the middle of a housing estate,noy some out-of-the way place.


It makes you feel like going round with a lump hammer.




I know just how you feel Annina, Some of the guys on my street wanted to go round and "have a word" but saw sense because it would have been them that were the ones who would have ended up in court if things had gotten out of hand.


It's nice and quiet today (they are probably still in bed sleeping the booze off) and a joy to be able to have the windows open and let the fresh air in.


As to the pub near you, could you not try having a word with the licencing board about them. Don't know if they can do anything but it's worth a shot (no pun intended).

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There must be better ways of dealing with tbese situations than calling 101 or the police.



I don't normally bother ringing anyone and had it been on the street that I live on I would have gone and asked them to turn it down.


Just what would you suggest Waldo, I'm open to all ideas as this type of thing happens all the time and now I know I have no recourse where the police/101 are concerned I'm flummoxed as to what to do next time.

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There is a pub near me who put huge speakers outside when they have a special function. The last one,about a month ago,started at 12 noon and continued until 5am the next morning.



Are you saying the pub was still open at 5am?

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Sheff,either the pub was open,or they had fallen into a drunken coma.


As a matter of fact,I know the girl who's birthday party it was,and she had the cheek to complain how tired she was,and had to be in to work before having any sleep.

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I fail to understand why the police do not deal with these issues.

A constable can use their discretion whether the disturbance is likely to cause a breach of the peace and if necessary arrest the person if they fail to comply with police instructions. At least that's how I understand the situation.

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