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New World Order

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Like I said - I don't know. But yeah, it does make a difference to me: an important one. It tells me that the claim made in the 911 commission report is false. So if that bit was untrue, you have to question just how much else of it is false as well,


But by the same token, this falsehood (deliberate or inadvertent) doesn't demonstrate that an "alternative view" (eg. MIHOP/WTC Demolition/77 crash faked/missile on the pentagon) is corrrect .



which brings you to the wider question: what don't they want us to know?


I think the answer there is that the powers that be don't want us to know anything. But that's always been the case.


Regarding PNAC and that whole saga of a New Pearl Harbour - I'm perfectly willing to entertain the notion that the Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal sacked off the hunt for OBL in the hope that something would happen.


But they telegraphed their intention to invade Afghanistan before the Sept 11 attacks - and would have invaded anyway regardless of those events. Iraq was simply a matter of "disarmament" and the WMD lie - no terrorist attack was required to justify intervention.


So the Poirot in me is thinking "Why conspire to create a new Pearl Harbour when actually it's not needed to go into Afghanistan or Iraq"


Why bother with something as risky and difficult to control as a secret conspiracy to commit mass murder and treason, when you don't actually need to?


That's my main problem with the MIHOP scenario.


Of course the commission report will be a whitewash and cover up. People screwed up all over the shop before and after the events.


But the corollary is not that the events were therefore a criminal and secret conspiracy.

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OK, let's apply that to one single aspect of the 9/11 official story then, regarding the plane that struck the Pentagon...


The commission report claims that the plane was piloted by a terrorist by the name of Hani Hanjour. What is recorded as fact is that this plane executed a highly complicated 330 degree downward spiral before levelling out a few metres above ground and striking the one side of The Pentagon that was best equipped to deal with any kind of attack. The instructor who gave Mr Hanjour his flying lessons claims that he was barely able to fly a single-engine plane in a straight line, let alone carry out such a highly complicated move that would be virtually impossible for even the most experienced airline pilot.


So we are faced with two options here...


1. That Hani Hanjour suddenly developed incredible flying skills and executed a highly-complex manoeuvre, when surely it would have been so much simpler for him to just fly straight into The Pentagon from the direction in which they were heading, or.....


2. That he wasn't actually piloting the plane at all.


Apply Occam's razor using your own logic and tell me which is the simpler explanation.


When one is applying Occam's razor it is imperative that one bases it upon facts and not fiction. Let's take a little look at some of the facts shall we...

1) HH had obtained his private pilots license.

2) HH had obtained his commercial pilots license.

3) HH had completed hundreds of hours of flight experience.

4) HH had completed initial training in 737 flight simulators.

5) His flight path in hitting the pentagon was not complicated to perform nor did it require a great deal of skill. In fact the opposite is true.





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I'm not claiming the same people did all this but there members did it. The New World order are a political party like the Conservatives etc and they had members in 1912 and 2001. Just because people die it doesn't stop new members joining.


Can you give your source for this please? I'm always interested in looking at the facts :)




Love it when a conspiracy fan is so worked up by the "truth" that they caps-lock-rage and typo in their mad frenzy :hihi:

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When one is applying Occam's razor it is imperative that one bases it upon facts and not fiction. Let's take a little look at some of the facts shall we...

1) HH had obtained his private pilots license.

2) HH had obtained his commercial pilots license.

3) HH had completed hundreds of hours of flight experience.

4) HH had completed initial training in 737 flight simulators.

5) His flight path in hitting the pentagon was not complicated to perform nor did it require a great deal of skill. In fact the opposite is true.






An interesting link, but none of it actually accounts for HH's apparent ability to complete the manoeuvre that the black box recorder and the ATC records showed. The quotes from pilots claiming it was possible only make reference to pointing a plane directly at a building and hitting it, which we have already ascertained is not what actually happened. You only need to look at the information provided at http://pilotsfor911truth.org/pentagon.html to dispel what is put forward on the link you provided...


A much more detailed and comprehensive explanation, by professional pilots, than a couple of quotes from people with no knowledge of the actual manoeuvre the aircraft performed and the untrustworthy claims made in the 911 Commission report, I think you will surely agree.

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There is no black hand coordinating force guiding world events to it's own dastardly ends. For sure though there are nebulous groupings of very able people with the means to capitalise on any given event after it happens. What the conspiracy goolies see as predetermined strikes me as post-rationalised. Other humans, no matter how well equipped, simply cannot coordinate a network of billions of simultaneous variables.

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