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Ask yourself: who benefited from the terror attacks ?


Using that line of reasoning, every child who inherits should be investigated for the murder of their parents.


A very poor argument. We're talking about actual reality here.


Without 9/11, there would be no war in Iraq; no stealing of resources from said country; no strategic positioning by Washington (which were the primary goals).


Without 9/11, there would be no war in Afghanistan; no stealing of resources from said country (billions of tonnes of lithium and massive gas reserves), no building and securing the trans-Afghan pipeline that will run through Asia, bypassing Russia, China, and India (so the US can maintain it's grip in the area, without any potential superpower interfering)...

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A very poor argument. We're talking about actual reality here.


Without 9/11, there would be no war in Iraq; no stealing of resources from said country; no strategic positioning by Washington (which were the primary goals).


Without 9/11, there would be no war in Afghanistan; no stealing of resources from said country (billions of tonnes of lithium and massive gas reserves), no building and securing the trans-Afghan pipeline that will run through Asia, bypassing Russia, China, and India (so the US can maintain it's grip in the area, without any potential superpower interfering)...


And children really do inherit from their parents. Why is it a poor argument?

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I have it on unimpeachable authority [ and I DARE not reveal the source ] that :-


It was NOT the Titanic which sank in 1912 but a similar looking ship which was passing by. The real Titanic sailed on to the South Seas where the passengers and crew enjoyed a life-long holiday. The last person left alive [ in 1995 ] scuttled it, near Fiji.


The 8 million Jews who disappeared from Europe during the war sneaked across the Himalayas in 1944-5 and settled in India. They lived there, near Bombay for many happy years and were gradually absorbed into Indian society.


The intended victim of the Kennedy shooting was, of course, his ever-loving missus. The perp. was an unhinged female truck driver who had a secret crush on the President. Being a woman helped her melt into the crowd after the dastardly deed. After realising her mistake, she gave up truck driving, emigrated and settled near Market Raisen, U.K..


This was all filmed in the living room of a geeky film producer as a joke which unfortunately got completely out of hand.


The people who did this were obviously people who hated America, blamed Capitalism for all the world 's ills and were badly organised......

................................The Labour Party

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You conspiricy theory believers get worse .:hihi:


Like i say , tin foil hat time .:loopy:


Wow. what a well thought-out and reasoned response. Tell me... what makes you so certain the official story is 100% true and factual? Is it that you believe everything that is reported on the news is true? If so then I genuinely pity you.


I have read the 911 Commission report, and I have also read a whole lot of evidence, including testimony from researchers involved in the investigation, which basically show that the whole thing was nothing more than a whitewash solely intended to reinforce the story that was originally put forward and cover up the actual truth of what happened.


Now I'm not claiming that I do know what happened, because clearly I don't because I am just a regular guy working a 9-5 in Sheffield. But what I do know is that the official story is so full of gaping holes, omissions, and even downright untruths that it beggars belief to me that people actually believe it.


You only have to do some basic research on the man who was hand-picked by George Dubya to lead the commission, Philip Zelikow, to make you think 'hang on a second... I thought this was supposed to be an independent investigation'


But hey, if it fits your world view to just carry on belittling people who have the insight to question what they are told, and accuse them of being paranoid delusional tinfoil hat-wearing lunatics, then don't let me stop you.


Reminds me of this

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What is your question and/or point?


Furthermore, how does the thread title relate - are you claiming the same people were responsible? The same people did something in 1912 and 2001?Also, how "new" is it if they have existed since 1912?


Not the same people/individuals obviously, but the same "organisation", if thats how you want to put it, that are refered to as the Illuminati.

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The twin towers consipiracy (MIHOP/Explosive Demolition/No Plane hit the Pentagon etc) fails Occam's razor on so many counts, it becomes tiresome to list them.


Of course there is a conspiracy - when isn't there one? It's naive to assume that the incidents of 9/11 would be examined and made public without some kind of cover up. People will have cocked up all over the shop, and many will be seeking to downplay their role in failing to prevent the atrocity.


But the fact there is a cover up does not mean it was a top down US conspiracy to frighten the US into a decade of expeditionary wars. And most of the alternative explanations for the collapse of the WTC towers require the whole government to be in on it. So there needs to be evidence for that also.


What the whole 9/11 truth movement needs is a bit more academic rigour, and a little less of the "those who doesn't agree with us are sheep" vibe.


It's the attack of the unsinkable rubber ducks all over again.

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