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The twin towers consipiracy (MIHOP/Explosive Demolition/No Plane hit the Pentagon etc) fails Occam's razor on so many counts, it becomes tiresome to list them.


Occam's razor - "The simplest explanation is most likely the correct one".


The key aspect of this is the use of the word likely. Occam's razor can never be used to prove an argument either way.

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Do you accept that Washington reaped huge benefits from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan 'privately' ?


I'm not convinced of that, but even if I were, you've already shown, yourself, how ludicrous it is to assume that just because someone benefits they must have been the culprit.

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Occam's razor - "The simplest explanation is most likely the correct one".


The key aspect of this is the use of the word likely. Occam's razor can never be used to prove an argument either way.


It doesn't need to be. Occam's Razor is employed because there is no proof either way. In the absence of a convincing reason to accept a complicated explanation, you go with the simple one.

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It doesn't need to be. Occam's Razor is employed because there is no proof either way. In the absence of a convincing reason to accept a complicated explanation, you go with the simple one.


OK, let's apply that to one single aspect of the 9/11 official story then, regarding the plane that struck the Pentagon...


The commission report claims that the plane was piloted by a terrorist by the name of Hani Hanjour. What is recorded as fact is that this plane executed a highly complicated 330 degree downward spiral before levelling out a few metres above ground and striking the one side of The Pentagon that was best equipped to deal with any kind of attack. The instructor who gave Mr Hanjour his flying lessons claims that he was barely able to fly a single-engine plane in a straight line, let alone carry out such a highly complicated move that would be virtually impossible for even the most experienced airline pilot.


So we are faced with two options here...


1. That Hani Hanjour suddenly developed incredible flying skills and executed a highly-complex manoeuvre, when surely it would have been so much simpler for him to just fly straight into The Pentagon from the direction in which they were heading, or.....


2. That he wasn't actually piloting the plane at all.


Apply Occam's razor using your own logic and tell me which is the simpler explanation.

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The twin towers consipiracy (MIHOP/Explosive Demolition/No Plane hit the Pentagon etc) fails Occam's razor on so many counts, it becomes tiresome to list them.


Of course there is a conspiracy - when isn't there one? It's naive to assume that the incidents of 9/11 would be examined and made public without some kind of cover up. People will have cocked up all over the shop, and many will be seeking to downplay their role in failing to prevent the atrocity.


But the fact there is a cover up does not mean it was a top down US conspiracy to frighten the US into a decade of expeditionary wars. And most of the alternative explanations for the collapse of the WTC towers require the whole government to be in on it. So there needs to be evidence for that also.


What the whole 9/11 truth movement needs is a bit more academic rigour, and a little less of the "those who doesn't agree with us are sheep" vibe.


It's the attack of the unsinkable rubber ducks all over again.


What we need is a full and proper enquiry.


What do you make of the Lloyd England "confession" in my signature ?

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I note the OP 's location is allegedly in the US. I didn't know they had "Care in the community" on the other side of the pond. Now where did I put that roll of tin foil...


Probably downtown Tel Aviv ?

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What we need is a full and proper enquiry.


What do you make of the Lloyd England "confession" in my signature ?


It's anecdotal evidence.


This is what I mean about theoretical rigour.


I have no doubt that the whole incident could be the result of a deliberate LIHOP policy, and that there will be many, many consipiracies involved. But I've yet to see any documentary proof. The MIHOP scenario requires an implausibly large conspiracy that has held to this day. The thing about a large conspiracy is that it rarely gets off the ground because of the First Law of Secrecy.


But put yourself in the position of an evil Illuminati overlord playing the world like a puppet - why make it so complicated? Why even bother?


You pick your reality tunnel - and this one is so jaundiced and contemptous of others, it really doesn't appeal to me. It appeals to the thirty something man who is rapidly realising his mark on the world is going to be very very faint, and it must be someone's fault.


**** up or conspiracy? **** up every time.

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The things that may or may not have happened???


The Titanic was not an accident, apparently it could've been sunk for insurance reasons.


The Holocaust didn't take place, there is now forensic evidence to suggest the Holocaust couldn't have taken place.


President Kennedy, was he shot by the CIA because he didn't agree with the Vietnam War and was going to pull out of it thus costing the arms business some very lucrative profits.


The Moon Landings, pictures that have shadows that suggest the lighting was fake and could've taken place on a stage.




9/11 did the Americans attack themselves to wage war against the middle east and again make lots of money for the arms business.



And a whole host of other incidents throughout the 20th and 21st century.



By God if the NWO were responsibel for the Titanioc sinking they must have been a clever bunch of bu*gers.


Was Captain Smith a member of the NWO? In league with the Titanic's radio operators who ignored iceberg warnings from ships in that area? So loyal to the NWO that they chose to go down with the ship ?


Were the crew of the Caliifornia also in league with the NWO and chose to ignore the SOS flares fired from the Titanic during the time she was sinking?


Was Molly Brown the wife of a self made millionaire also in leagie with the NWO and was one of the first off ths ship and in a lifeboat obly half full? Was her old man Chairman of Activiies of the NWO ?


Do you know what the hell I'm even talking about?


How about the disappearance of some 5 million European Jews. If the holocaust never happened where did they disappear to?

Why didnt they return to their respective countries when WW2 ended?


Since you're a Doubter of the First Order then you must have some theories and answers to these questions yourself.... right?


Only stupid people go around doubting everything while unabe to express the reasons for their doubts in the first place.


So.... speak up man and give us some input.

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I note the OP 's location is allegedly in the US. I didn't know they had "Care in the community" on the other side of the pond. Now where did I put that roll of tin foil...


Next they will be having us believe that Elvis is alive and well and working in a McDonalds on the A1.:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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