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New World Order

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Next they will be having us believe that Elvis is alive and well and working in a McDonalds on the A1.:hihi::hihi::hihi:


He IS alive. I saw him last year in Vegas playing at the MGM Grand on the 6:00 PM show

At 8:0000 PM the same day he appeared at the Lido Amphitheatre in Palm Springs, California and the following day he appeared on Blackpool Pier on the Early Show

For a man of 76 he sure manages to get around fast enough.

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Probably downtown Tel Aviv ?
What's Tel Aviv got to do with it? Oh dear god no. Not another Arab fantasy about everything being an Israeli plot. If it is, whatever you are smoking, stop it, it isn't big and it isn't clever. Just say "NO", OK?


And Elvis defo works in our chippy.

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Not the same people/individuals obviously, but the same "organisation", if thats how you want to put it, that are refered to as the Illuminati.


These guys have quite a history- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothschild_family


"The Rothschild family (known as The House of Rothschild,[1] or more simply as the Rothschilds) is a European family of German Jewish origin that established European banking and finance houses from the late eighteenth century. Five lines of the Austrian branch of the family were elevated into the Austrian nobility, being given hereditary baronies of the Habsburg Empire by Emperor Francis II in 1816. The British branch of the family was elevated into the British nobility at the request of Queen Victoria.[2][3] It has been argued that during the 19th century, the family possessed by far the largest private fortune in the world, and by far the largest fortune in modern world history."

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The instructor who gave Mr Hanjour his flying lessons claims that he was barely able to fly a single-engine plane in a straight line, let alone carry out such a highly complicated move that would be virtually impossible for even the most experienced airline pilot.


When you go for flying lessons, or become a commercial pilot, you are not taught how to conduct spiral approaches to buildings. If you are a terrorist who is intending to claim his numerous virgin brides upon your imminent arrival in heaven, with a basic knowledge of flight instruments, you don't care if you rip the wings off, or miss the target and cartwheel into it. And when you realise you've missed the target, you could pull round in a silly movement no sane pilot would ever attempt. Does that make him a flying ace, or someone with nothing to lose if it goes wrong?


Think of it another way, is everyone who drives a car towards a hairpin corner at 150mph an expert driver? Or is there the possibility that a number of them are idiots who think they're invincible?

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When you go for flying lessons, or become a commercial pilot, you are not taught how to conduct spiral approaches to buildings. If you are a terrorist who is intending to claim his numerous virgin brides upon your imminent arrival in heaven, with a basic knowledge of flight instruments, you don't care if you rip the wings off, or miss the target and cartwheel into it. And when you realise you've missed the target, you could pull round in a silly movement no sane pilot would ever attempt. Does that make him a flying ace, or someone with nothing to lose if it goes wrong?


Think of it another way, is everyone who drives a car towards a hairpin corner at 150mph an expert driver? Or is there the possibility that a number of them are idiots who think they're invincible?


If he managed to miss his target so spectacularly on his first attempt, I would suggest the chances that he could successfully perform the manoeuvre that he allegedly did in order to hit the one side of The Pentagon that had by far the best access for emergency vehicles, and also happened to be unoccupied due to refurbishment at the time (convenient huh?), would be virtually nil.


Like HeadingNorth claimed - look for the simpler explanation. If a man who, according to his flying instructor, could 'barely fly a single-engined plane in a straight line' was at the controls of that plane then I am the King of Narnia.

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These guys have quite a history- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rothschild_family


"The Rothschild family (known as The House of Rothschild,[1] or more simply as the Rothschilds) is a European family of German Jewish origin that established European banking and finance houses from the late eighteenth century. Five lines of the Austrian branch of the family were elevated into the Austrian nobility, being given hereditary baronies of the Habsburg Empire by Emperor Francis II in 1816. The British branch of the family was elevated into the British nobility at the request of Queen Victoria.[2][3] It has been argued that during the 19th century, the family possessed by far the largest private fortune in the world, and by far the largest fortune in modern world history."


And that is what the agenda for a lot of "conspiracy theory" is - "it was the jews what done it".

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It's anecdotal evidence.


This is what I mean about theoretical rigour.


I have no doubt that the whole incident could be the result of a deliberate LIHOP policy, and that there will be many, many consipiracies involved. But I've yet to see any documentary proof. The MIHOP scenario requires an implausibly large conspiracy that has held to this day. The thing about a large conspiracy is that it rarely gets off the ground because of the First Law of Secrecy.


But put yourself in the position of an evil Illuminati overlord playing the world like a puppet - why make it so complicated? Why even bother?


You pick your reality tunnel - and this one is so jaundiced and contemptous of others, it really doesn't appeal to me. It appeals to the thirty something man who is rapidly realising his mark on the world is going to be very very faint, and it must be someone's fault.


**** up or conspiracy? **** up every time.


I think you're a decade out in the age of most CT's. I seem to recall that the predominant group visiting the Building 7 campaign website was males aged 40 - 55. But like you said, they're usually people who'd blame someone else for them not achieving their (rightful as they see it) place as team leader, manager, head of department, rock star etc.

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In all seriousness, I've done some research on the New World Order, not on conspiracy websites, but in other areas (banking, US government, US military etc) to try to determine what people are talking about when they discuss it.


It's not good enough to say that it doesn't exist- you can find perfectly serious references to it all over the net- George Bush Snr mentioned it in 1991, a US Major at the Air Command and Staff College wrote about it in 1997, A.M. Slaughter (Professor of Politics at Princeton) and Ginsburg & Rapp have written books about it and it can be referenced in numerous global financial papers.


Here are the links to the above mentioned:





So now that we've established that it is an ideological framework (Major Kessler-see paper above- believes it originated within the US Council on Foreign Relations) for organising political and financial matters globally- what can we learn about what it actually means?:


In part, the New World Order, relates to global governance- the setting up of global institutional networks that would transcend the old nation state boundaries and operate outside of their old internalised limitations- so courts, regulatory agencies, ministeries and legislatures will become globally networked entities (from being part of the nation state, they will become larger than the state).


The New World Order also relates to the financial world- it involves setting up transnational trade agreements, integrating the global banking system and creating laws that will cover the actions of multinational corporations. The New World Order is also based upon neo-liberalism which draws its inspiration from Adam Smith, but whilst there have been strong calls for the deregulation and privatisation that will free the government and corporations from risk (instead laying risk at the feet of individuals) there have been no calls for the greater social equality that Adam Smith advocated (although there have been mutterings that the west is being impoverished in order to rebalance the world).


The New World Order also affects the military as the aim is for UN to receive greater powers with regard to international peacekeeping and policing powers.


The New World Order is therefore a short hand way of describing a new way of looking at the world (namely through globalisation and the reduced importance of the nation state) and a new method of organising politics, economies and the military.


These are important changes in the world, changes that are being implemented ad hoc and with no public consultation, discussion or debate (in fact if you research the Bilderburg Group you will find that the public is purposefully kept away-often violently- from global governance meetings) which is a violation of the democratic values we are supposed to hold in the west.


If there is a conspiracy, it is hidden in plain sight and conspiracy theorists (well fed often by anti-Semitic, pseudo-religious or authoritarian right wing propaganda) are doing their job admirably by keeping non-conspiracy theorists switched off and disinterested in the changes that are occurring in the world. It's much easier for governments to implement these plans if 90% of people automatically deny that the plans exist and go even further by stating that they are ridiculous, tin foil hat theories.

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