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Do all women turn into their mother eventually?

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I find myself becoming more and more like mine. I cannot waste food and it bothers me when I see other people doing it. I've grown the same sick sense of humour. I find myself acting the same way towards my husband as I saw her being with my dad, for example I'll do and say things to purposely gross him out. :hihi: There's plenty of other stuff as well...


Has anyone else noticed this happening or is it just me? :hihi:

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No its not just you.Me and my 2nd eldest sister since we both have children we always say things to our kids that our mum use to say to us.Many a times when we say something we always say my god i am sounding like me mother. Im also laid back like my mum with my partner never stop him doing things he likes to do.Yet my 1st older sister is totally different with her child and partner quite strict so not sure who she gets that off. But also home stuff to i arrange things in cupboards like my mum does yet before i just use to throw them in.Many other little things that i hated mum doing when i was a kid yet i do them to.

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its not just daughters / mums too


i get told i act like my dad and say similer things lol


That is very true also.My brother is the mirror of my dad.He done the same things like cheat on his wife like my dad did on my mum,got with a much younger woman like dad did.He walks and talks like my dad.But they don't get on at all.It bugs him to bits when we say he his fathers double.

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According to the people closest to me I have a lot of my mother's mannerisms, and repeat a lot of her sayings. But even worse than that a couple of months ago I was in a shop and could have sworn I had just seen my mum (a bit impossible really as she died 3 years ago) I stepped back for another look and I had passed a mirror. It really surprised me as for most of my life people have said I look like my dad, but honestly I now look in the mirror and my mum is looking back!!

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It would be a little bit odd if we didn't turn into our parents or whoever had the upbringing of us, though, wouldn't it? Monkey see, monkey do, as shaz112's mother (and probably almost everyone else's) was wont to remark. :D


What would be weird was if you didn't. But that's happening to me, my mother was lovely but I'm turning into Ena Sharples. Got the hairnet and everything. And I'm not even lying! :hihi:

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