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Sharia law in action

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Anjem Choudary is an Islmamic extremists who has been part of banned organisations and wishes to bring us all under a fascist ideology. If Choudary is meant to be like Melannie Phillips, it's a bad example unless your suggesting Melanie is some kind of Jewish extremist wishing to enforce Judaism on us all.


Somebody like Salma Yaqoob would have been a better choice, imo. :)


Anyway without wishing to take the thread any further off topic, I get your general point, whilst disagreeing with it somewhat slightly :)


Ok, I accept I picked a bad example with Choudary, Yaqoob may be a better example. Ahh peace & love restored at SF Towers :love:

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Vent your anger at the extremists, not the average Muslim (which is 99.9% of them).
I have no anger to vent at anybody, but if you challenge fact by calling it unbelievable nonsense, expect to be corrected.
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As I said, the incorrect word 'beat' should not be used.

Why? Because you say so?


What makes you think that Quran.com and Quranflash.com have got it wrong?


Nope; I stand by what I said.
Well then you shouldn't have any problem answering my original question and telling me what you think it is a metaphor for?


How long are you going to keep this ridiculous farce up?


There may be many [muslim scholars]who have the opposite view [that translating it as 'beat' or 'strike' is correct]


Then why did you lie and claim that only people with anti-muslim prejudice would translate it that way?


Sadly, the only lies are from what you (and Bassman) posted.
:huh: Are you high? How can you so brazenly lie like that?


I have provided two examples of you lying and backed it up with evidence.


You have called me a liar with no cause whatsoever.


The Hadiths must also be used in context (just like the Quranic verses). Yes, there'll be many fabricated and unauthentic Hadiths, but we must try to weed them out.
So the hadiths that say things you like are genuine, and the ones that say things you don't are not, pathetic.
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So CXC3000 just how prevalent is your interpretation of the verse Bassman mentioned? Is it for example the ruling interpretation in societies dominated by Islam? Is wife beating prohibited by both sharia and civil law in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan....?

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So CXC3000 just how prevalent is your interpretation of the verse Bassman mentioned?


Very (prevalent).


Is it for example the ruling interpretation in societies dominated by Islam? Is wife beating prohibited by both sharia and civil law in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan....?


One has to take it each society as it is. In most Muslim countries, culture has become inter-twined with Islam; a very bad mix.


And 'flamingjimmy', accept what I've said; I've answered your points and have nothing further to add.


Thank you.

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Very (prevalent).



One has to take it each society as it is. In most Muslim countries, culture has become inter-twined with Islam; a very bad mix.


And 'flamingjimmy', accept what I've said; I've answered your points and have nothing further to add.


Thank you.

Right so your interpretation is "very (prevalent)" except it would seem in "most Muslim countries" :loopy:


If your interpretation isn't the predominant interpretation in "Muslims countries" then how exactly is it "Very (prevalent)"?

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Many say Choudhry is under the auspices of MI5.


The people who follow him are just useful idiots.




Oooh, paranoia, Mecks; I'm beginning to get worried about you ;)


And I'm not talking about western-backed governments anyway; that's something you're anti-western brain chipped in with. I specifically mentioned non-western or non-western backed countries where muslims are attacking people.

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