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Sharia law in action

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The fact that you mention Christians in another country just acting as backwards and barbaric seems to suggest there's something wrong with the teachings of religion. Yet why do you seemingly try to excuse Islam yet point the finger at Christianity? Both are equally vile.


Thinking about it further. Maybe it's just the people in the countries mindset. Maybe they are just using religion as a means to justify their primitive urges. We don't have stonings over here but we do have gay bashing and racism. Yes we say we're civilised and don't legally allow it but it doesn't stop the urge. This is for me the evil of the books. They enable bad actions because god says so.


You answered your first question in your post.


As for the second, religion may be an enabler, but it is also a barrier with many people of all religions campaigning against exploitation. Working out on balance whether religion is positive or not requires a lot more study than anecdotal evidence and transforms the debate.

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So you judge the entire Faith by a minority's un-Islamic actions ?


Are people really this ignorant ? :cool:

Strawman. Why don't you try honesty for a moment and reply to what people have actually posted as opposed to what you with they'd posted.


I never made any claims about any 'entire Faith' nor do I think you can make such claims about any major faith as they all encompass within them widely divergent strands of belief.


You would seem to disagree but a not insignificant proportion of Muslims around the world would seem to agree with the notion that women who report rapes must be able to provide multiple witnesses to substantiate their claim or be stoned to death for adultery. As you hear stories of this occurring in numerous Muslim majority countries.


Unless you can demonstrate to us why you are the one true authority when it comes to deciding what is and isn't Islamic. Why should we accept your word about this over the Somali, Pakistani... Islamists?

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It's behaviour fairly typical of pretty much most of the Muslim World, how does your assertion that it's un-Islamic stack up?


I guess it would be based on the fact the origins of the story are where Mohammed asked Aisha's accusers of adultery whether they had 4 witnesses to the act. Since they didn't they were punished for spreading lies about his wife.


The story has become distorted to justify mistreatment of women, just as sections of the New Testament were used to defend slavery. When the text is clear its original intention was to defend his wife from such accusations.


Fortunately, such actions are universally condemned by religious leaders.... with just the occasional exception.

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So you judge the entire Faith by a minority's un-Islamic actions ?


Are people really this ignorant ? :cool:

You can search and there is always something there to find not uniquely in this country,that's where a lot of people make a big mistake when it comes to judging Islam,look in the hotbed of the religion,the middle east,thats where its rules emanate from,now what was that about a minority,its a common excuse but more and more that excuse gets blown away.

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Strawman. Why don't you try honesty for a moment and reply to what people have actually posted as opposed to what you with they'd posted.


I never made any claims about any 'entire Faith' nor do I think you can make such claims about any major faith as they all encompass within them widely divergent strands of belief.


You would seem to disagree but a not insignificant proportion of Muslims around the world would seem to agree with the notion that women who report rapes must be able to provide multiple witnesses to substantiate their claim or be stoned to death for adultery. As you hear stories of this occurring in numerous Muslim majority countries.


Unless you can demonstrate to us why you are the one true authority when it comes to deciding what is and isn't Islamic. Why should we accept your word about this over the Somali, Pakistani... Islamists?


Many Christians around the world use rape as a weapon in war as well. Maybe you have seen some of the videos of Congolese militias talking?


The fact of the matter is women are treated badly all over the world by people of all religions. Something that demonstrates religion is not the cause.


The reason for their treatment is a nasty mixture of poverty, exclusion, male insecurity, sexual power relations and no doubt other issues. Trying to reduce it to religion, even more so a specific one is the sociology of the kindergarden.

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I guess it would be based on the fact the origins of the story are where Mohammed asked Aisha's accusers of adultery whether they had 4 witnesses to the act. Since they didn't they were punished for spreading lies about his wife.


The story has become distorted to justify mistreatment of women, just as sections of the New Testament were used to defend slavery.

You don't need to "distort"


Ephesians 6:5 NLT Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.




1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them.


To "defend slavery" verses such as those in the New and assorted OT passages clearly and unambiguously approve of slavery. As with homosexuality, women... when it comes to slavery it is the nice Xians opposing bigotry who are forced to 'distort' the bible to try and water down its homophobic, misogynistic, slavery loving message.


Fortunately, such actions are universally condemned by religious leaders.... with just the occasional exception.

:huh: But it was religious leaders in Somalia who passed the sentence, just as it's religious leaders who passed like sentences in Pakistan and elsewhere.

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Many Christians around the world use rape as a weapon in war as well. Maybe you have seen some of the videos of Congolese militias talking?


The fact of the matter is women are treated badly all over the world by people of all religions. Something that demonstrates religion is not the cause.


The reason for their treatment is a nasty mixture of poverty, exclusion, male insecurity, sexual power relations and no doubt other issues. Trying to reduce it to religion is the sociology of the kindergarden.


You have excused bad behaviour because of religion. That's simply the point. Take away religion and the person is entirely responsible. While we're allowed to say some cloud told me it's allowed then we'll always keep repeating the behaviour.


The wise of us know that it is ultimately silly people doing silly things but because the silly people are put into groups and hiding behind clouds telling them it's allowed no-one can be held responsible and never will be.

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