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Sharia law in action

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You have excused bad behaviour because of religion. That's simply the point. Take away religion and the person is entirely responsible. While we're allowed to say some cloud told me it's allowed then we'll always keep repeating the behaviour.


The wise of us know that it is ultimately silly people doing silly things but because the silly people are put into groups and hiding behind clouds telling them it's allowed no-one can be held responsible and never will be.


Who said anyone is allowed to say it because it is religious???


You have it turned on its head it should be condemned irrespective of religion, it is a basic human rights issue.


The fact is religions all condemn such practices.

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Should be condemned for their views, as they are, in just the same way Fred Phelps is condemned by Christians.


It should be the teachings that are condemned. How many schools in the UK legally allow the teaching of homophobia?


Then see.


How many schools in the UK legally allow the teaching of a religion that teaches it's followers to persecute gays?


It's allowed because god says so.

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Who said anyone is allowed to say it because it is religious???


You have it turned on its head it should be condemned irrespective of religion, it is a basic human rights issue.


The fact is religions all condemn such practices.


Just an an example every major school of thought in islam permitts the taking of slaves in war. That's a fairly basic human rights issue that at least one major religion is totally at odds with human rights about. So do human rights overrule mohammeds actions and take primacy or does islam?

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You don't need to "distort"


Ephesians 6:5 NLT Slaves, obey your earthly masters with deep respect and fear. Serve them sincerely as you would serve Christ.




1 Timothy 6:1-2 NLT Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, that is no excuse for being disrespectful. You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts. Teach these truths, Timothy, and encourage everyone to obey them.


To "defend slavery" verses such as those in the New and assorted OT passages clearly and unambiguously approve of slavery. As with homosexuality, women... when it comes to slavery it is the nice Xians opposing bigotry who are forced to 'distort' the bible to try and water down its homophobic, misogynistic, slavery loving message.


You have missed the context from the quotes.


It is fair enough to say that had Paul been as forward thinking as you might have expected from having spent years in the presence of a divinity, he would have taken the opportunity to condemn slavery in his parables when given the opportunity rather than use them as metaphors, but that is a rather different criticism.


:huh: But it was religious leaders in Somalia who passed the sentence, just as it's religious leaders who passed like sentences in Pakistan and elsewhere.


And religious leaders in Somalia are community leaders, favoured by warlords, mixing up religion with their own cultural history, prejudices, and expressing this with the violent and brutal mindset common in civil war situations especially in poor excluded countries. The religion is not a causal factor, it is an expression of the chauvinist reactionary power expressed in countries in circumstances like Somalia. Causes for sociological and cultural expressions are many and varied. Marxists would put it all down to economics, they are wrong... but there is more truth in that than any other simplistic description. It is about power relationships in societies, how they balance how they change. We live in a post Foucault world, there really is no excuse for trying to pin problems on single causes with such a simple analysis.

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The fact that you mention Christians in another country just acting as backwards and barbaric seems to suggest there's something wrong with the teachings of religion. Yet why do you seemingly try to excuse Islam yet point the finger at Christianity? Both are equally vile.


Thinking about it further. Maybe it's just the people in the countries mindset. Maybe they are just using religion as a means to justify their primitive urges. We don't have stonings over here but we do have gay bashing and racism. Yes we say we're civilised and don't legally allow it but it doesn't stop the urge. This is for me the evil of the books. They enable bad actions because god says so.

For you and others who appear to have an obsession with my posting style you may have missed my earlier condemnation of Gambia's President Jammah who happens to be a Muslim.

Ive no interest in defnding Islam, Im more interested in not making generalizations about how people are going to behave because of a religion they might subscribe to.


I dont believe its the religion thats the problem whether it be Islam or Christianity. Its how people choose to interpret it, the reason I mention the Ugandans was to demonstrate that since few Christians believe what they do is right it shows they can all exercise free will, whatever religion they are.

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Just an an example every major school of thought in islam permitts the taking of slaves in war. That's a fairly basic human rights issue that at least one major religion is totally at odds with human rights about. So do human rights overrule mohammeds actions and take primacy or does islam?


You can find examples of "scholars" making such claims.... but there are millions of muslim "scholars"... to say slavery is endorsed by Islam in the 20th Century is rather like taking your views on Christianity from far right preachers in the USA.

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You can find examples of "scholars" making such claims.... but there are millions of muslim "scholars"... to say slavery is endorsed by Islam in the 20th Century is rather like taking your views on Christianity from far right preachers in the USA.


My understanding of islam is that if mohammed said it's just fine (in the case of slavery in the case of war by the muslims) then what century it is has no relevance.


Is islam based on the overall morals of the civilised nations in the 21st century or what mohammed said in the quran? My understanding is the latter, in which case islam very clearly supports slavery of captured enemy civilians in times of war.

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It should be the teachings that are condemned. How many schools in the UK legally allow the teaching of homophobia?


Then see.


How many schools in the UK legally allow the teaching of a religion that teaches it's followers to persecute gays?


It's allowed because god says so.


The much publicised Act allowing it was introduced last year at the behest of Roman Catholics. I disagree with that act, I don't think they should be free to share judgements like that in the classroom.

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My understanding of islam is that if mohammed said it's just fine (in the case of slavery in the case of war by the muslims) then what century it is has no relevance.


Is islam based on the overall morals of the civilised nations in the 21st century or what mohammed said in the quran? My understanding is the latter, in which case islam very clearly supports slavery of captured enemy civilians in times of war.


Religions adapt, even literalist traditions realise that the scriptures have to be seen in the context of the period, the Caliphate etc.

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