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Sharia law in action

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I think it's used more by way of analogy, not defending Islam. Few of us here have any idea about living day to day Islam, whereas most of us have an appreciation of what it is to be a Christian (I was brought up one), and we all find abhorrent the activities of some Christians who act out verbatim the words of the Bible, my belief is that ordinary Muslims feel the same way about Islamic fundamentalists or rather I've no reason to believe they don't.


If so, why dont we hear muslims criticising sharia law for the u.k. or denouncing terrorism ?

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I still don't get it, "anything islamic and off you go" Go where?


Your hatred always seems to get in the way (everytime 'Muslims' or 'Islam' is mentioned).


If so, why dont we hear muslims criticising sharia law for the u.k. or denouncing terrorism ?


Why don't we hear you condemn murderers or rapists ?

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Yes but I don't think any Christians would justify stoning a woman to death. All religion is bonkers in my opinion and Christianity was responsible for Catholic Priest child rapists...so...who are they to talk anyway.


However, when something happens in a "Christian" country its assumed the perpetrators are "Christians" which is a bit of a long shot these days. If a story breaks about a Muslim stoning; some wag will not comment on this but state, "Yes but is 1289 in West Lothian a Christian woman was burned at the stake for burning her husbands tea"...


The two religions violence (church / mosque inspired) are similar but 1000 years apart.


Are you familiar with the homophobic activities of the Christians in Uganda? The anti social behaviour of the Westboro Baptists in America, the Christian anti abortionists?..they all 'justify' their activities with the religious coat hook for credibility-'God Made Me Do It'.


Of course god doesn't make them do anything, whether that be the barbaric stonings of Muslim women or the murder of doctors who carry out abortions-people who are drawn to such behaviour would be haters anyway, the extreme elements of their religion gives them carte blanch to be that way. If Hitler could have found a passage in the Bible that claimed supremacy for Aryans believe me he would have been a tub thumping Christian to rally people to his cause.


Jehovah's Witnesses refuse blood transfusions because they believe literally that the Bible tells them not to mix blood, Mormons believe they can have more than one wife, although a Mormon woman can't have more than one husband, these are all Christians.


Please don't take my comments as any kind of criticism of Christianity-all the Christians I know are generous, kind hearted, genuine people, but then again so are all the Muslims. The extremists are tossers-whatever religion they are.

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sorry ramadan mubarek (weeks too early)


we live in a paranoid society where anything 'muslim' is a threat and even brievik's massacre doesn't make these bigots draw breath and have a think for a day or 2 - it makes any real discussion of issues impossible on this crap forum, cos some dick with an avatar with a stormtroopers hat in it will always derail it with the backing of his BNP mates using whichever new username they've registered.


as a non religious, non muslim, ramadan mubarek, happy christmas , happy honaker and happy whatever else we all have the privelege to enjoy.

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If so, why dont we hear muslims criticising sharia law for the u.k. or denouncing terrorism ?


Why should you hear it? Where are you going to hear it? Are you listening for it?


I've certainly heard Muslims denouncing sharia law and terrorism, but by the same token I've also had it explained to me why sharia tribunals (in the UK) work for them and the argument seemed perfectly plausible.

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For someone who claims they don't hate Muslims you always seem to be first in line to attack them.

I dont hate anyone including individual muslims,hate is a strong word and if converted to actions can be even stronger. I do question the barbaric,anti semitic, racist religion they blindly follow ..I hope thats cleared that up...I thang yew

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I dont hate anyone including individual muslims,hate is a strong word and if converted to actions can be even stronger. I do question the barbaric,anti semitic, racist religion they blindly follow ..I hope thats cleared that up...I thang yew


Indeed and I have no interest in Islam. I hope that's cleared that up.

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