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Sharia law in action

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Most Muslims and atheists I know take part in Christmas, it's hardly evidence of anything other than participation in consumerism.

True. Xmas has virtually no relevance to Christianity. Indeed, the Puritans/Cromwell banned it, and they were hardly lacking in Christian enthusiasm. Besides rampant consumerism, it embodies a whole array of borrowings from Judaism and paganism.

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Do you know what sharia in the uk actually means?




I didn't know it was a requirement for anyone to march in London denouncing terrorism. Will you march there because of what Breivik did in Norway?

I'm not sure why you believe they should be denounced. Do you denounce Football Association tribunals?

It's the 1st century actually.

Why does it require 'tackling head on'? It's a doctrine that some people choose to follow, are you suggesting they should be banned from doing so?

Come on Bf your not dumb ,we know what it should mean in theory as regards its use pertaining to British Law,but there's been enough articles and evidence that the theory doesnt transfer to practice Sharia Law is being used in some quarters amongst the muslim community as the only system.

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No, it is not nonsense.


Perhaps only the minority are regular church goers, but our monarch is the defender of the faith, we marry in church, we are buried in cemeteries of cremated following a Christian ceremony. Our laws are based on testimony sworn to God. Our senior public and military appointments are sworn in to holy oath, and many of our schools continue to include Christian assembly as part of their daily routine.

We have national holidays for Christmas and Easter, and our schoolchildren act out the nativity.


We are tolerant nation, and one in which loud minorities of non-Christian groups are allowed their loud voice, but we are very much a nation whose culture, laws and norms are based on the legacy of our Christian faith.


It's absolute nonsense, we get married in church, buried in church because it's what we do and the vast majority don't even know why. I've lost count of the number of Christenings I've been to, it's the only time any of those children visited a church other than to get married or play little baby Jesus in the nativity play.


I admitted to my own hypocrisy here last week when I said I wanted my funeral in a nice gothic church, despite being an ardent atheist.


This country is only notionally a Christian one. The laws and oaths you refer to are optional, you can affirm instead and it makes no difference to your testimony or job prospects.

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They burn witchs because of ancient tribals beliefs, not because missionaries told them it would be a good idea.


Quite the modern anthropologist.


In circumstances like this, where enjoyment can be had in the gentle ping pong of which religion does what to whom, I fancy the christian evangelicals in Uganda preaching the murder of homosexuals. Or hindu extremists across india routinely murdering muslims.


i just wonder where we all get off with this mindless battle of the faiths. World religions as a whole have often been the focus of oppressive power and supremely repulsive brutality. So what legs do the 'but christians are all good folks' arguers stand on?

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Yet you continually deride Muslims and Islam..how strange.

How childish ..I openly admit to having issues with the muslim religion ,I believe it is dangerous and will continue to spread ,I dont want this country to become a muslim ruled society ,that is why I am vociferous on the question of Islam in this country,I have never denied my oppositon to the "religion of peace" now how is that strange ,I never for once thought you would have to resort to childish responses it seems as though I will have to re adjust my opinion of your maturity

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Come on Bf your not dumb ,we know what it should mean in theory as regards its use pertaining to British Law,but there's been enough articles and evidence that the theory doesnt transfer to practice Sharia Law is being used in some quarters amongst the muslim community as the only system.


Well I'm only going on what I know about sharia, I've never visited one so I'm in no better position to talk about them than you are. I have read about them in the UK and spoken to Muslims who prefer their disputes to be settled this way and I don't have a problem with that provided English law isn't superseded which it shouldn't be.

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They no longer vote in the HoL.


there are still 26 bishops etc that sit in the house of lords.


they have abstained in the past on certain votes but from what i understood they are still full members of the house and can vote.

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