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Sharia law in action

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sorry ramadan mubarek (weeks too early)


we live in a paranoid society where anything 'muslim' is a threat and even brievik's massacre doesn't make these bigots draw breath and have a think for a day or 2 - it makes any real discussion of issues impossible on this crap forum, cos some dick with an avatar with a stormtroopers hat in it will always derail it with the backing of his BNP mates using whichever new username they've registered.


as a non religious, non muslim, ramadan mubarek, happy christmas , happy honaker and happy whatever else we all have the privelege to enjoy.


No, don't worry, Ramadan started yesterday, so it's quite appropriate to wish everyone "Ramadan Mubarak".


At the end of the month it will be the festival of "Eid" (in four weeks' time) and it will be correct to say "Eid Mubarak", then.


Thanks, frank, for the Ramadan greeting, and Ramadan Mubarak to you, too. :)

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additionally it doesn't take sharia law for our US brothers and sisters to condemn criminals to the death penalty in their christian courts.


or for certain quarters to be baying for the blood of children/ execution of minors, even in this, our supposedly civilised and intelligent country!

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I'm horrified by any act of 'honour killing' but killing anyone without legal justification is quite simply against the law in the UK and the concessions that are granted to sharia tribunals make that clear. So I'm still missing your point. Do you think it's wrong that two Muslim neighbours in dispute over their boundary wall shouldn't go to an independent sharia tribunal to have their grievances aired?


Oh, come on, now, BF, don't confuse him with the facts!!!!

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If what you are saying is correct, that these practices (4 witnesses required for allegations of sexual assault, stoning rape victims etc) are un-Islamic and are in fact a perversion of the faith, then this is something that will gravely offend Muslims around the world, similarly as the cartoons of Mohammed did. So if Muslims around the world can protest at a handful of cartoons perverting their religion, why do they not protest at these too frequent abhorrences perverting their religion?


In actual fact, it's not "four witnesses to prove rape", as so many people seem to (mis) quote.


It's to protect the reputation of the woman, to protect her from being called a "Tart" or associated pejorative comments.


It's that you need four witnesses to prove that the woman has committed an act of adultery, to bring an accusation against her... to call a chaste woman unchaste is considered a sin in Islam.


Therefore to bring an accusation of a woman being "loose" or "unfaithful" there needs to have been four reliable witnesses to have actually seen the adulterous act.

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or for certain quarters to be baying for the blood of children/ execution of minors, even in this, our supposedly civilised and intelligent country!


Our? We haven't executed anyone for years. Granted we do get calls of kill him and hang him but our country doesn't follow it through. We're civilised.


You're right Christians do call for an eye for an eye. America is another prime example of what happens when you give religion a say in public affairs.


The quicker we remove religion (All of them I'm not just against Islam) from our public affairs the better.

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If what you are saying is correct, that these practices (4 witnesses required for allegations of sexual assault, stoning rape victims etc) are un-Islamic and are in fact a perversion of the faith, then this is something that will gravely offend Muslims around the world, similarly as the cartoons of Mohammed did. So if Muslims around the world can protest at a handful of cartoons perverting their religion, why do they not protest at these too frequent abhorrences perverting their religion?


Strangely, MJ, as a Muslim, I'm not at all offended by the comments describing the idiots like the Taliban, and such, who mete out such misogynist rulings,as being "idiots" and "inislamic" (or Mysogynist") because that's exactly what they are. No-where in the scriptures does it say "Kill young girls for being educated" etc.


They do, in fact, go against the rules in the scriptures, which state that women should receive an education and learn to the fullest of their capacity.


Their hateful treatment of women, in the supposed name of their faith, is quite certainly a perversion of the faith.


It is my considered opinion that the acts of the men who do these things are actually the acts of some limp-tooled pathetic no-mark, who


a) gets his kicks from asserting his authority (like the jumped up little so-and so's who start slinging their weight about as soon as they put on a uniform)




2) they are no-mark slugs, who are terrified that they will be emasculated if the "little woman" gets a bit of education, and can assert themselves against the man, by showing them what a bunch of tripe they are trying to lay out as "religion".

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What about your fellow citizens who want to be in Europe, retain the HRA, and support foreign aid? Shouldn't their interests be protected too? What if they're in the majority?


I agree they should be protected if we presume that they are in the majority, however as the gov knows quite well what the result of a referendum would be their not willing to try & find out. I truly wish we could have a referendum, getting rid of the HR act & Pulling out of Europe, (trying to stay on topic) alongside this abolishing parties who's interests is to impose their laws, & rule of thought/religion which goes against the countries recognised religion; this is not to say they can't practice, but for the like of Sharia law it should not be recognised in this country.

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Don't many asylum seekers flee from the countrys that have sharia law?


and who can blame them, stoning women to death, women being banned from driving and of course pornography and booze banned (except for the elite in those lands).


So after fleeing from these barbaric lands and travelling around the world to come to a civilised country, do they want to implement something in this country that they origionally fled from?


With regards asylum seekers (or whatever they are) they seem desperate to get into Australia or other European Countries. Its very rare for an asylum seeker to flee from Syria and to desperatly try to get into Somalia

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Unfortunately, your understanding is wrong.


Yyou need to look at the Exegesis, and the hermeneutics of the laws and the commands in the Qur'an (Just as with the laws given in the OT and the NT)


The Exegesis is how the revelation applied to the people, at the time of its revelation, ie looking at the times, and the political and legal situations back then.


The hermeneutics is how that verse can be applied to today's society, which is so very different from the time when it was revealed.


PT, it would be great if that was the reallity but try to say that on a muslim board and you'll be shot down in flames for a mentioning something derived from "other gods" and be hit by the "if muhammed did it, and he is the best of mankind, then i as a muslim can do it, or do you think your fancy "human rights" are better than the best of mankind?"


I know there are nascent movements looking at real hermeneutics but they are so small at the moment they make no real impact on the muslim population. The bulk just ignore most of the offensive stuff provided they live in nations where that carries no sanction. The organised challenge to the various centres of islamic jurisprudence is virtually noneexistant, when has anyone sucessfully gone to al azhar and sucessfully argued that the quran needs to be reinterpretted with a view complementing modern liberal western society?

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