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Sharia law in action

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I agree they should be protected if we presume that they are in the majority, however as the gov knows quite well what the result of a referendum would be their not willing to try & find out. I truly wish we could have a referendum, getting rid of the HR act & Pulling out of Europe, (trying to stay on topic) alongside this abolishing parties who's interests is to impose their laws, & rule of thought/religion which goes against the countries recognised religion; this is not to say they can't practice, but for the like of Sharia law it should not be recognised in this country.


You say a lot there but I'll only remark on the bit about sharia law. Did you see Jeffrey Shaw's post about the English law and how it relates to sharia courts?

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The vast vast vast majoprity of muslims don't go on "muslim boards" - those that do are more likely to be a certain type, in the same way that those christians who go on christian boards are more likelty to be a certain type


Absolutely agree and i'd hoped that I had addressed that issue in terms of my comments on the majority just quietly ignoring the stuff that would be mental in this day and age.


However what PT was talking about was hermeneutics which requires a head on confrontation and theocratic debate with the centres of authority within the muslim world which frankly are not happening in any meaningful way. We kow why because where clerics have "clout" they are not reinterpretting, they are making conservative rulings time after time.


As an example who is the most authoratitive sunni reformist sheikh who favours a comprehensive reinterpratation of the quran based on 21st century facts on the ground?

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Yes, of course I do but we prioritise what our preferences are and vote accordingly or tactically, but in the final analysis if membership of Europe and the HRA troubled the electorate significantly there are alternatives we could vote for.


Thats just it, there isn't. There is no credible alternatives to the big three(big two). There's no other parties large enough with the strength in depth in people realistically capable of forming a government. So a politically minded working class person has just got the Labour party to vote for, and weather he/she likes it or not the Labour party is pro EU. This is why Labour wont entertain a referendum on the EU, they wrongly class every vote for them in general elections as a yes vote on continued EU membership.

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Unfortunately, your understanding is wrong.


Yyou need to look at the Exegesis, and the hermeneutics of the laws and the commands in the Qur'an (Just as with the laws given in the OT and the NT)


The Exegesis is how the revelation applied to the people, at the time of its revelation, ie looking at the times, and the political and legal situations back then.


The hermeneutics is how that verse can be applied to today's society, which is so very different from the time when it was revealed.

But the exgesis and the herneneutics refer initially to biblical quotations ,some Islamic scholars are only now applying the exgesis and hermeneutics to the quoran without I may add much success as the traditional scholars ,in majority,are opposed to change,to make it simple they want the quoran to say what it says without question just as it has always been

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Strangely, MJ, as a Muslim, I'm not at all offended by the comments describing the idiots like the Taliban, and such, who mete out such misogynist rulings,as being "idiots" and "inislamic" (or Mysogynist") because that's exactly what they are. No-where in the scriptures does it say "Kill young girls for being educated" etc.


They do, in fact, go against the rules in the scriptures, which state that women should receive an education and learn to the fullest of their capacity.


Their hateful treatment of women, in the supposed name of their faith, is quite certainly a perversion of the faith.


It is my considered opinion that the acts of the men who do these things are actually the acts of some limp-tooled pathetic no-mark, who


a) gets his kicks from asserting his authority (like the jumped up little so-and so's who start slinging their weight about as soon as they put on a uniform)




2) they are no-mark slugs, who are terrified that they will be emasculated if the "little woman" gets a bit of education, and can assert themselves against the man, by showing them what a bunch of tripe they are trying to lay out as "religion".

And is this your opinion as a relatively late in life revert or have you delved into the facts as applied to born muslims who have been in the "system" since birth and know nothing else.

And yes I do understand the term revert and am using it not as derogatory term but as a valid term used instead of the word convert

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thought you lot on the right are in favour of more hardcore punishment for crime? seems youd fit right in with sharia law.


He has a point!


Your hand wringing over Sharia law is about as authentic as those EDL numpties who bang on about Islam being an affront to women's rights!


Skin colour again, eh Glamrocker? ;)


John X

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He has a point!


Your hand wringing over Sharia law is about as authentic as those EDL numpties who bang on about Islam being an affront to women's rights!


Skin colour again, eh Glamrocker? ;)


John X

Why do we not all get together and agree that religion is the biggest load of crap ever imposed on man by man.


Lets pack the whole stupid fairy stories up and house the homeless in the bloody silly buildings that have been erected at enormous expense and injury to the slaves and serfs that were forced to work on them .


And then we will not have to listen to the silly Archbloody Bishops, The stupid looking iyabloody tollers. and the crackpot rabbies along with that lot in Rome who think that not wareing a Durex will save the World.


These blokes have all got one thing in common that is tossof jobs that means they do not have to do any meaningfull work ever so sack em all along with there stupid fairy stories.

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You know this situation was quite fair in my opinion.....


Evil man poors acid on a woman's face because he wouldn't marry her. I mean come on how evil is that, he deserved a taste of his own medicine to allow him to properly reflect on what he did to the poor woman.


Then the original victim got to decide whether he got the punishment, even allowing her to do it herself if she so wished!


Seems a fair deal to me!


That's what I was thinking.

Say someone did that to my daughter.Would the punishment seem that extreme ?

Wasn't there some dick did something similar in Sheffield a bit back when the scumbag chucked bleach in a womans face in front of her kids for telling him to be quiet at a cinema (I think).


Yea,if that's Sharia law,bring it on.:cool:

Poke his bleedin eyes out.:hihi:


shows how forgiving decent people can be though .Good on the lady ,I salute you.

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