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Sharia law in action

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He has a point!


Your hand wringing over Sharia law is about as authentic as those EDL numpties who bang on about Islam being an affront to women's rights!


Skin colour again, eh Glamrocker? ;)


John X

Skin colour ?..oh its you is it it seems you have the problem with colour Iv told you before i havent and asked you before for the proof of your outright lies..you couldnt do it then and you cant do it now;)

Never mind Johnx theres life after xxRuthxx..keep looking

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Skin colour ?..oh its you is it it seems you have the problem with colour Iv told you before i havent and asked you before for the proof of your outright lies..you couldnt do it then and you cant do it now;)

Never mind Johnx theres life after xxRuthxx..keep looking



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That's what I was thinking.

Say someone did that to my daughter.Would the punishment seem that extreme ?

Wasn't there some dick did something similar in Sheffield a bit back when the scumbag chucked bleach in a womans face in front of her kids for telling him to be quiet at a cinema (I think).


Yea,if that's Sharia law,bring it on.:cool:

Poke his bleedin eyes out.:hihi:


shows how forgiving decent people can be though .Good on the lady ,I salute you.

yeah but its a conspiracy to replace Sharia Law and British law with 6 rounds of its a knockout and the final at Takeshis Castle.....surely you of all people can see that.

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But the exgesis and the herneneutics refer initially to biblical quotations ,some Islamic scholars are only now applying the exgesis and hermeneutics to the quoran without I may add much success as the traditional scholars ,in majority,are opposed to change,to make it simple they want the quoran to say what it says without question just as it has always been


No, exegesis and hermeneutics are simply Greek words. It's like saying "Haemotology" has nothing to do with examining of blood.


To understand any scripture we have to look at what the scripture meant, and how it applied to the people of the times where it was revealed, and we also have to examine it to see how it applies to us, today.


Scholars of all scriptures, of whichever faith, have to look at E and H:-


for example, did you know that shaving with a razor is not Kosher? the OT rules state that only scissors may be used, not a razor. The Rebs of modern times have ruled that the electric shavers constituted a blade, and not a scissor, and therefore aren't considered Kosher. That's exegesis and hermeneutics in action.

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And is this your opinion as a relatively late in life revert or have you delved into the facts as applied to born muslims who have been in the "system" since birth and know nothing else.

And yes I do understand the term revert and am using it not as derogatory term but as a valid term used instead of the word convert


So, as a Muslim, I cannot support women's rights, then?


Despite the fact that a woman's right to be educated, to vote, to own property, to conduct business, and to work, is set out in the Qur'an?


My opinion is based on reading the Qur'an.

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So, as a Muslim, I cannot support women's rights, then?


Despite the fact that a woman's right to be educated, to vote, to own property, to conduct business, and to work, is set out in the Qur'an?


My opinion is based on reading the Qur'an.

I would think that a female muslim who supports womens rights would find it very hard to get a husband ,its ok owning property etc but women are still considered inferior when it comes to getting wed..as related in the quoran

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So, as a Muslim, I cannot support women's rights, then?


Despite the fact that a woman's right to be educated, to vote, to own property, to conduct business, and to work, is set out in the Qur'an?


My opinion is based on reading the Qur'an.

Is it a right to go around with a mask on even into a bank or petrol station, i have been asked to remove my helmet in both!

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No, exegesis and hermeneutics are simply Greek words. It's like saying "Haemotology" has nothing to do with examining of blood.


To understand any scripture we have to look at what the scripture meant, and how it applied to the people of the times where it was revealed, and we also have to examine it to see how it applies to us, today.


Scholars of all scriptures, of whichever faith, have to look at E and H:-


for example, did you know that shaving with a razor is not Kosher? the OT rules state that only scissors may be used, not a razor. The Rebs of modern times have ruled that the electric shavers constituted a blade, and not a scissor, and therefore aren't considered Kosher. That's exegesis and hermeneutics in action.

Yes they are Greek words but they were initially used as a term to show understanding of the bible,they were "invented" ,if you like, for that purpose.

As for your reference to shaving ,every one knows the Old Testament was outdated when the new version came along ,and most of its infractions were cast aside,why do people who are supposed to be knowledgeable still throw the same old argument up as I said in a previous post maybe someone should write a new testament version of the quoran and ,like the old/new testament example,shed the violence and racist views......mind you there wouldnt be a great deal left to work on

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As for your reference to shaving ,every one knows the Old Testament was outdated when the new version came along ,and most of its infractions were cast aside,why do people who are supposed to be knowledgeable still throw the same old argument up as I said in a previous post maybe someone should write a new testament version of the quoran and ,like the old/new testament example,shed the violence and racist views......mind you there wouldnt be a great deal left to work on

Wrong, as any fule kno.


There is no such thing, in this context, as a 'testament'. What there is is text that was:

a. Divinely-given at Mount Sinai or during the next 40yrs. [Torah, the Five Books of Moses]; or

b/c. Divinely-inspired writings of Prophets etc. [Prophetic Books and Holy Writings].

Those three elements constitute the Tanach. As they are irrevocable, no 'New' anything is possible.


BUT as you correctly note, the laws read-out from them need to be applied; this is just the same as in any other legal system.

That's exegesis. It changes nothing. It merely indicates how the laws apply to specific circumstances.


AND in any event you (not being a Jew) aren't bound by any of the laws except the Seven Laws of Noah (who wasn't a Jew either).

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Is it a right to go around with a mask on even into a bank or petrol station, i have been asked to remove my helmet in both!


Are you saying there's something intrinsically wrong in wearing a mask when you go into a bank or petrol station? I'm assuming you didn't have malice aforethought when you ventured into them wearing your helmet?

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