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Sharia law in action

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I have no problems with gays ,jews ,blacks,yellow or any other colour ,I have no problem with individual people who follow the muslim faith .i question the Islam religion and as can be seen in examples posted on here I feel I have good reason.Sharia law has no place in British society we have our own laws and legal system which has taken years of improving to the point that it is now recognised as one of,if not,the best in the world,why should we surrender that respect for the barbaric laws that Sharia is known for no matter how watered down.This is Britain and its laws should be respected by people wishing to settle in this country without demanding their own version,you live in Indonesia,tell me do you abide by Indonesian laws or do rebel against them if they contradict your native country's laws,do they have a British law system over there ,or in Pakistan,or Saudi ?

You may be quite happy to sit down and let whatever events wash over you without comment ,even though you may object to some,I am not and if you think that is hatred so be it, that is your lack of intelligence and complacency that is showing dont blame me for your inadequacies,if you want to blindly follow a faith that I and millions of others consider a danger to world society that is your business but dont excuse those inadequacies by forever shouting Hatred and racism,it just makes you look a fool


I don't think any reasonable person could disagree with that.


For what its worth I don't have you down as the Nazi some others seem to claim you are. Being concerned about the failings of multiculturalism, immigration and Islam is not unique to the far right. Any reasonable, independent thinking person should be concerned about them. To avoid the issues and to pander to extremists and rabble rousers is to betray ordinary Brits, of whatever colour or creed.


For too long these issues have been swept under the carpet and that's why we're in the mess we are today. The vast majority of people in this country are not racist but are fair minded but increasing numbers of them are being forced to hide their opinions because they'll be hounded out of jobs or communities.


I for one think enough is enough and its time to stand up and be counted...

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Is it about how they work though? For me, it's more about the principles upon which they work, at least the new Bill has gone some way to addressing this.


Totally agree with all of that article, the problems though are created where sharia courts try and circumvent the rules such as in the case of mediation or registering marriages. In fairness in both these instances the adjudication of the sharia court has to be ratified by a conventional court, most people who object to them probably aren't aware of that.


The shortcomings that the author of the article highlights, whilst they are very real, at least the English court system is aware of them and checks can be put in place to prevent/reduce any abuses of the system.

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For what its worth I don't have you down as the Nazi some others seem to claim you are. Being concerned about the failings of multiculturalism, immigration and Islam is not unique to the far right. Any reasonable, independent thinking person should be concerned about them. To avoid the issues and to pander to extremists and rabble rousers is to betray ordinary Brits, of whatever colour or creed.


That's fair enough, but the disquiet arises when people only highlight the shortcomings of multiculturism without any consideration of the benefits...it's like owning an E-Type and moaning about the costs of petrol and maintaining it and not appreciating it's finer qualities.

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That's a canny observation, it might be provocative to suggest that the people who get over excited about the mention of the word Islam are the self same kind of people who would be sabre rattling if they were Muslims living in the less liberal Islamic countries.


Thanks and I'm sure you're right Boyfriday.


I'm not into religion of any kind - not even football! Evolutionary fact and the the laws of natural selection are sufficiently convincing for me to have no interest in wasting my time arguing about who's God is the real God. Though I wouldn't deny anyone the right to believe in whatever they like.


Islam is just another comforting ideology for the deluded imo and I'm sure that there are underlying racial reasons why people take such offense to it being taught/practised in this country.


My recent ancestry is Irish/English/Welsh and so I am well aware of the damage that fundamentalism in religion can cause. But you have an uphill battle my friend arguing as you are with some of the dimest of the dim on S.F. they are NOT going to see it ANY OTHER way - they made their minds up years ago with nothing more than the scrappiest of information upon which to base their mean ideas.


Remember that you are most often arguing with pea brained bigots when you mention religion - bigots are abundant on both sides of religious argument..

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I don't think any reasonable person could disagree with that.


For what its worth I don't have you down as the Nazi some others seem to claim you are. Being concerned about the failings of multiculturalism, immigration and Islam is not unique to the far right. Any reasonable, independent thinking person should be concerned about them. To avoid the issues and to pander to extremists and rabble rousers is to betray ordinary Brits, of whatever colour or creed.


For too long these issues have been swept under the carpet and that's why we're in the mess we are today. The vast majority of people in this country are not racist but are fair minded but increasing numbers of them are being forced to hide their opinions because they'll be hounded out of jobs or communities.


I for one think enough is enough and its time to stand up and be counted...





I could'nt agree more


Over the past few weeks on sf, some on the Left have claimed that those of us who have raised questions about multiculturalism, immigration and the relationship between Islam and modernity have blood on our hands for the mass murder in Oslo. Here, murder is used as a muzzle to close down free speech. And this is just the latest addition to a growing list of tactics to curb free speech,


and even worse, to stifle genuine inquiry.


Consider the other tricks in recent years. To close down discussion about, say, immigration or border control, you call your opponents racists and point to xenophobia in the community. Opponents are not just wrong, they're evil. Their views should not be aired in a civilised society.


We have witnessed a familiar opera of Muslim oppression used to shut down debate. It starts with a book called Satanic Verses. Or a silly Danish cartoon. Or a cheeky episode of South Park sending up the fact that Mohammed is the only guy free from ridicule. Then we hear that great aria of all accusations: Islamophobia.


. They have effectily co-opted Islamic-style oppression to prohibit debate; be it about Islam or anything elvese they wish to fence off from free speech.

"how many lefties on sf know,. When Orwell wrote his 1938 classic Homage to Catalonia, which addressed Stalinist Russia's involvement in the Spanish Civil War, the left-wing literati simply ignored it. By the time Orwell died in 1950, barely 1500 copies had been sold.


free speech is not a Left-Right thing . It's a free-unfree thing. You don't get to cry in favour of free speech just to defend those with whom you agree. And free speech must include the right to offend. If we prosecute offensive opinions, we just encourage ever more ridiculous claims to protection. We fuel that marketplace of outrage. And we end up shutting down the true genius of modern Western civilisation: the contest of ideas.

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But you have an uphill battle my friend arguing as you are with some of the dimest of the dim on S.F. they are NOT going to see it ANY OTHER way - they made their minds up years ago with nothing more than the scrappiest of information upon which to base their mean ideas.


And as if by magic....



I could'nt agree more


Over the past few weeks on sf, some on the Left have claimed that those of us who have raised questions about multiculturalism, immigration and the relationship between Islam and modernity have blood on our hands for the mass murder in Oslo. Here, murder is used as a muzzle to close down free speech. And this is just the latest addition to a growing list of tactics to curb free speech,


and even worse, to stifle genuine inquiry.


Consider the other tricks in recent years. To close down discussion about, say, immigration or border control, you call your opponents racists and point to xenophobia in the community. Opponents are not just wrong, they're evil. Their views should not be aired in a civilised society.


We have witnessed a familiar opera of Muslim oppression used to shut down debate. It starts with a book called Satanic Verses. Or a silly Danish cartoon. Or a cheeky episode of South Park sending up the fact that Mohammed is the only guy free from ridicule. Then we hear that great aria of all accusations: Islamophobia.


. T
hey have effectily co-opted Islamic-style oppression to prohibit debate; be it about Islam or anything elvese they wish to fence off from free speech.

"how many lefties on sf know,. When Orwell wrote his 1938 classic Homage to Catalonia, which addressed Stalinist Russia's involvement in the Spanish Civil War, the left-wing literati simply ignored it. By the time Orwell died in 1950, barely 1500 copies had been sold.


free speech is not a Left-Right thing . It's a free-unfree thing. You don't get to cry in favour of free speech just to defend those with whom you agree. And free speech must include the right to offend. If we prosecute offensive opinions, we just encourage ever more ridiculous claims to protection. We fuel that marketplace of outrage. And we end up shutting down the true genius of modern Western civilisation: the contest of ideas.

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