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Sharia law in action

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Go on then I'll humor you.


What exactly do you think the phrase "And those [wives] you fear may be rebellious admonish; banish them to their couches, and beat them." is a metaphor for?


Read this link= http://theophiles.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1060:texas-students-argue-the-bible-is-smut&catid=27:sex-a-sexuality&Itemid=74

It may be about the Christian religion but makes the point regarding atheists like yourself using certain passages to point score or build your argument.


This post from the link explains exactly what you and your fellow atheists are good at =


It is interesting how they take out of context and twist passages to build their argument, and at the same time ignore major obvious themes. Where is their acknowledgement that the Bible expresses God's love for us many times? They claim to be the "Brights", the intelligent ones who use reason, and yet they are either deliberately lying or they are ignorant. Unfortunately, American Biblical literacy is at an all-time low, so I wonder how many people are deceived by their rhetoric.


The same could be said regarding Islam, you choose to ignore the major themes and focus on certain ones that you can take out of context or twist.

I personally don't go round forcing my religion/ beliefs on anyone or go round ridiculing other religions but you atheists make it your duty to.

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Agreed on both counts, but this is happening in Iran, is it not? I agree that it's wrong on every possible level but we're not accommodating the Sharia penal code here, quite rightly.






it's all well and good being the idealistic feminist in your little middle class tower .but i've actually been among girls that have been disfigured from battery acid and haveing their nose's cut off in northern india .

these young kids have no life ,too scared to go out half the time.

if the scum that did this got a taste of their own medicine it would stop overnight .

I don't think you've got a clue how these people live in their villages

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Now you're just being idiotic, Mecks.


Idiotic? Thanks for that, you should really explain why you say things rather than just making stupid comments if you expect to be taken seriously.


Everyone, including yourself, know you are wrong and you are wrong for the following reason. All over the world the vast majority of the trouble is caused by muslims and it's usually muslims directing anger at other muslims. They are not doing this because they like them, therefore they must be doing it because they don't like other muslims. Muslims have more to fear from other muslims than they do anything else. Now go away and comeback when you can learn to argue.

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It doesn't matter what sharia law says about the rights of women, it's what English law says about them, since the latter is pre-eminent.

But thats were you are being duped BF Sharia law is being used daily in Britain and in parts it is transgressing British law,read the article.

"However, in the course of my investigation, I discovered how sharia is being used informally within the Muslim community to tackle crime such as gang fights or stabbings, bypassing police and the British court system."

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But thats were you are being duped BF Sharia law is being used daily in Britain and in parts it is transgressing British law,read the article.

"However, in the course of my investigation, I discovered how sharia is being used informally within the Muslim community to tackle crime such as gang fights or stabbings, bypassing police and the British court system."


I think you're being duped Glam, note the significant word in the quote you post-"informally", nobody's claiming that sharia law supersedes English law, but if victims of criminal acts choose not to report them then there's little the police can do about it, after all there are many examples of gang disputes etc being arbitrated by the local community...ask the Kray Twins about it. ;)

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Sounds like an eye for an eye to me, which is in the Bible and therefore just as Christian as it is Sharia. And we saw Christian Law in action just over a week ago in Norway.

The man in Norway was mad as are all religious terrorists who are also cowards for hiding behind a religion.

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But thats were you are being duped BF Sharia law is being used daily in Britain and in parts it is transgressing British law,read the article.


A total lie.

The only courts in the UK work in the same way as the Jewish courts that have been around for over 100 years but no one complains about. They cover domestic issues only and anyone has the right to use a normal court if they want.

There is nothing at all covering criminal law.

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