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Sharia law in action

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I think you're being duped Glam, note the significant word in the quote you post-"informally", nobody's claiming that sharia law supersedes English law, but if victims of criminal acts choose not to report them then there's little the police can do about it, after all there are many examples of gang disputes etc being arbitrated by the local community...ask the Kray Twins about it. ;)

So you are saying that the muslim community are equivalent to crime gangs...I know your not but your missing the point they are using sharia law and have been doing for some time outside of British law, in reality they are putting two fingers up to the British law system,just because the victims of the rulings are afraid to come forward is irrelevant we are talking about so called respected members of the muslim community who are making the rulings who are ignoring the British legal system,the fact that people are afraid to contact the police also says a lot for the fear in the muslim community...why is this ?...its you who are being duped which you would realise if you just sat and thought for a minute and take in the account posted in the mail and your answer

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So you are saying that the muslim community are equivalent to crime gangs...I know your not but your missing the point they are using sharia law and have been doing for some time outside of British law, in reality they are putting two fingers up to the British law system,just because the victims of the rulings are afraid to come forward is irrelevant we are talking about so called respected members of the muslim community who are making the rulings who are ignoring the British legal system,the fact that people are afraid to contact the police also says a lot for the fear in the muslim community...why is this ?


We are free citizens and if we choose to not take advantage of the police and the legal options at our disposal that's a matter for us as individuals.


I've read dozens of posts on here where people have suffered anti social behaviour and not reported it, I've also read posts by users who act as vigilantes..do you think they or their victims are reporting things to the police, I think colloquially they're referred to as "snitches" and have negative connotations.


It may not be right but it's a fact of life, whether you're a Muslim or not, some people choose to not take advantage of the options available to them.


By the way what do you think to organisations like the Football Association arbitrating on matters including drug use and public assaults between players?

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They cover domestic issues only .


Like Honour Killings


and anyone has the right to use a normal court if they want.There is nothing at all covering criminal law


My itallics= Yes but only men can choose.


My bold=That is why they conduct honour killings 99% against women

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I have no doubt that it will ever become part of British Law ,the fact is it is operating outside of the confines of British law and it is that that is a disgrace...


Have you the same to say about Jewish courts operating in Britain ? - or are you quite selective in your hatred ? :cool:



...the British legal system is recognised as one of the best systems in the civilized world and to dilute it with the insane rantings of a religion which is known for its barbarity and its subjugation of women is a insult to the people who founded and enhanced our legal system..


Wow ! - looks like a visit to the BNP/EDL website for Islamic 'issues' has seriously messed your mind up :D



..what is your view on the equal status of women in muslim society,I am assuming you are of the muslim faith by your replies ,If I am mistaken I apologise but I would still welcome your views


They are equal; they are to be taken of; they are to be protected; in short, they are to be treated like Queens :)


Baroness Cox & Bishop Nazir-Ali speak about Sharia Law:


These people sum up why there should be NO Sharia Law in the UK.


Relax, bud; it ain't gonna happen :)


What exactly do you think the phrase "And those [wives] you fear may be rebellious admonish; banish them to their couches, and beat them." is a metaphor for?


Bad choice of words there, FJ. And did you read what I posted here :




All over the world the vast majority of the trouble is caused by muslims and it's usually muslims directing anger at other muslims.


Maybe if certain Western governments didn't start interfering in certain nations, we wouldn't be hearing of the actions that take place over there ?


What do you think ?


Saudi Arabia is occupying neighbouring countries without a peep from any one i wonder why!


If it's posted, no-one would really care.

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Like Honour Killings




My itallics= Yes but only men can choose.


My bold=That is why they conduct honour killings 99% against women


Are you suggesting that Muslims who murder other Muslims in this country are exempt from the process of English law if these cases are heard in sharia courts?

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it's all well and good being the idealistic feminist in your little middle class tower .but i've actually been among girls that have been disfigured from battery acid and haveing their nose's cut off in northern india .

these young kids have no life ,too scared to go out half the time.

if the scum that did this got a taste of their own medicine it would stop overnight .

I don't think you've got a clue how these people live in their villages


Which is abhorrent and utterly barbaric and I have vociferously condemned these actions and been hauled over the coals for doing so. However, that does not mean that I condone this form of punishment, it has no place in a civilised society.

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Which is abhorrent and utterly barbaric and I have vociferously condemned these actions and been hauled over the coals for doing so. However, that does not mean that I condone this form of punishment, it has no place in a civilised society.
But what about in an uncivilised society, populated by people who will only respond to brutal punishment, not to our soft and ineffective so-called sentencing?
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Maybe if certain Western governments didn't start interfering in certain nations, we wouldn't be hearing of the actions that take place over there ?


What do you think ?



I think you're talking rubbish. How much interferance do Western governments have in places like Sudan, Nigeria and tonnes of other African countries? What about countries like Russia and China, how much are they affected by Western governments?

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