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My tribute to my beautifull wife 1963 - 2011

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I'm a cancer survivor for ten years. I had cancer of the larynx cured by radiation. The trouble is there isn't just one cure for cancer since there are so many different cancers. But there are many more people walking away from it than ever before. It is a terrible pity that you were not so lucky Woze, and my heartfelt sympathy goes out to you.


Hi Buck, another member of "The Club That Nobody Wants To Join", there's a lot of us about. Im in year 4 after lung cancer and I think it is harder for the family of the patient than it is actually being the patient. I was thankfull for the fact that my family was grown up when I contracted the disease and that it was not my wife who had it...............

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i have shown this to many and always ended in tears a remarkable tribute from a remarkable Man we are all behind you young brother never thought you could write such a moving tribute

but only you now how you feel and you've managed to share your feellings to all

Love you Bro and see you later

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  • 2 months later...

Crikey, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, but thank you for writing such an honest lovely post - she's been a very lucky lady to have such a loving caring family, and she clearly knew that.


People will tell you time heals - it doesn't - you just deal with grief differently in different stages over time, making it a little easier year by year, try to think of all the GOOD times which there have obviously been plenty - if the sad times come into your mind switch to thinking about a great time that will stay with you forever..



My perfectly healthy dad dropped dead last September, whilst telling a joke, giving his speech, at my sisters wedding, in front of his whole friends and family, kids included.. it was and still is like someones ripped my heart in two as I idolised my dad and we were very close.. some people say that's the best way to go - quick, but thats good for them but not good for us left behind -


so in your case you did exactly the right thing by treasuring every moment with Jacky and catering to her every need, and she will have passed knowing that the kids are in very safe hands with a very loyal loving dad.


I wanted to say all the things I felt in my heart at dads funeral - but i couldnt even breathe never mind speak, I do find that writing my feelings down and sharing them with friends/family really helps too, so posting on here was a good thing for you to do.


God bless. Fx

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I've just read this post and am almost at a loss for words. What a lovely tribute to your wife. Part of Jacky lives on - in your children, so I sincerely hope that your family help you cope and make things bearable from hereon.

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Hello, I am really sorry to hear you lose your beautiful wife but you are not alone here, we are a group who knows what cancer means :(and we would like to help you getting better day by day....

If you would like to chat we are waitin for you on Fb.

Have a look on FaceToFaceWithCancer

or just

Face to Face With Cancer.


Hope you hear from you soon!


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