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Syria kills over 100 protesters

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First it was Israeli terrorism, now it's Syrian terror. And why are certain countries so reluctant to help the protesters (unlike they're doing in Libya) ?


Disgusting, shameless, and sickening hypocrisy is what it is.




Syrian security forces have cracked down on anti-government protests across the country, killing 100 people in the city of Hama alone, reports say.


Witnesses said tanks moved into Hama at dawn, shelling civilians. Other towns also erupted in violence in one of the bloodiest days since protests began.


The government said troops had been sent in to Hama to remove barricades erected by the protesters.


US President Barack Obama said reports from Hama were horrifying.


"Once again, President [bashar al-Assad] has shown that he is completely incapable and unwilling to respond to the legitimate grievances of the Syrian people," he said.




Yes, Mr President; but what are you going to do about it (instead of giving the usual soundbites) ? - when are you going to send Assad to the Hague for war crimes ?

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Why should we get involved; it’s an internal matter for Syria, in the same way Libya, Iraq, Iran, in fact any country... we are far too quick to get involved & condemn their actions, then when it’s been going on for god knows how long, & body bags start accumulating, we’ll get criticised for being involved in business which has nothing to do with us. I don’t like it more than anyone, but we can’t police the whole world, it’s up to these countries to sort out their internal affairs, & don’t forget a lot of uprisings in these areas have tendency to be secretly supported by our friendly neighbourhood CIA.


The US condemnation of these countries human rights abuses is basically rhetoric from O’Bama due to these countries attempting to change the US domination over their natural resources. All countries which have undergone attacks by the US have one thing in common which is not openly covered by the media; Iraq, Libya, both had intentions of swapping from the petro-Dollar to a petro-Euro, just prior to attack, countries which are condemned such as Iran & Syria etc have voiced intentions of discussing the benefits of swapping, as for Afghanistan well they are sitting on one of the world’s largest oil fields. What’s surprising is that the US has been given assistance by the UK & European partners who would benefit far better under a Petro-Euro

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Ah good, the next thread started by our resident internet warrior/Mossad agent provocatuer CXC3000 AKA Moshe. How's the weather today in Tel Aviv, Moshe old chap?


I'm not sure how you can link Israeli "terrorism" with Syrian "terrorism" but good try nonetheless. Would Iran be one of the countries that is ignoring what is going on in Syria? Hmmm, perhaps not, from what I've read.


Where does Palestinian terrorism fit into the mix and why have you omitted mentioning it?


Apart from that, only 2/10 for the thread, pretty boring stuff really, Arabs killing Arabs? Nothing even remotely new to see here, time to move along?

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Why are we involved in Libya (apparently 'protecting' civilians), but not elsewhere ? - is it right we're helping one set of people but not another ?


And mapleboy, I'm sure it was your good self that wanted threads on what's happening in the ME (besides Israel).


I'm only obliging.

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Why are we involved in Libya (apparently 'protecting' civilians), but not elsewhere ? - is it right we're helping one set of people but not another ?....


I think you’ll get the idea from my post that I don’t believe we should be involved in Libya, nor should we have been involved in Iraq or Afghanistan, in the same way we shouldn’t take sides, such as between Israel & Palestinian, it’s about time the UK removed itself from these areas, leave them to it, protect our own shores & people.

Edited by esme
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What do you mean by 'First it was Israeli terrorism'? What has Israel got to do with Syria shooting dead their own protestors? Are you now trying lay Arab brutality on the Israelis?


No it's just that its ok when Arabs kill Arabs.


And then surprise surprise even old Barac Obama gets dragged in by good old CX3000 with:-

Yes, Mr President; but what are you going to do about it (instead of giving the usual soundbites) ? - when are you going to send Assad to the Hague for war crimes ?
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What do you mean by 'First it was Israeli terrorism'? What has Israel got to do with Syria shooting dead their own protestors? Are you now trying lay Arab brutality on the Israelis?


Israeli barbarity and terrorism :


Israel Kills 13 Protesters At Syrian Border



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CXC3000, Yes I want threads on the Middle East, balanced ones, not the stuff you peddle. Corrupt Arab regimes killing their subjects? I might be wrong but I don't think you'll find too many people worried about that, it's been going on for centuries. Libya only matters because it's on Europe's southern flank.


Edit - And I see that Moshe has laid his allegedly Anti-Jewish cards on the table by his post above, linking Israel into what the corrupt Syrian regime is doing to it's citizen's by mentioning an incident provoked and orchestrated by the self-same corrupt Syrian regime. A good bit of disinformation that nicely makes the Arabs look very silly indeed, good ruse Moshe. Keep up the good work?


What's the Arabic for Troll by the way?

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CXC3000, Yes I want threads on the Middle East, balanced ones, not the stuff you peddle. Corrupt Arab regimes killing their subjects? I might be wrong but I don't think you'll find too many people worried about that, it's been going on for centuries. Libya only matters because it's on Europe's southern flank.


Which is what I've been saying all along.


Edit - And I see that Moshe has laid his allegedly Anti-Jewish cards on the table by his post above, linking Israel into what the corrupt Syrian regime is doing to it's citizen's by mentioning an incident provoked and orchestrated by the self-same corrupt Syrian regime. A good bit of disinformation that nicely makes the Arabs look very silly indeed, good ruse Moshe. Keep up the good work?


Er, thanks...?


What's the Arabic for Troll by the way?



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