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Syria kills over 100 protesters

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Got to agree there, let's hope Gaddaffi falls soon then attention can focus fully on Syria and get rid of Assad then there will only be the iranian despot regime left in the region with nobody else left to supply hammas and hezbollah.

Iran can't last long once all the other crackpots have gone.

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Got to agree there, let's hope Gaddaffi falls soon then attention can focus fully on Syria and get rid of Assad then there will only be the iranian despot regime left in the region with nobody else left to supply hammas and hezbollah.

Iran can't last long once all the other crackpots have gone.


But we'll still have the Israeli crackpots to deal with

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But we'll still have the Israeli crackpots to deal with


With Assad gone and a new government in Syria Iran would have lost it's main ally and would become isolated in that part of the world. The Syrian rebels have no love for the Iranian leadership knowingn that it was they who encouraged Assad in his brutal measures to suppress them.


This new development might go some way to ease Israeli fears and concerns that a Syrian-Iranian military alliance poses a threat to them

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With Assad gone and a new government in Syria Iran would have lost it's main ally and would become isolated in that part of the world. The Syrian rebels have no love for the Iranian leadership knowingn that it was they who encouraged Assad in his brutal measures to suppress them.


This new development might go some way to ease Israeli fears and concerns that a Syrian-Iranian military alliance poses a threat to them


Exactly but there are still some on here are so bigoted against Israel even as the surrounding despots meet their come-uppance.

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With Assad gone and a new government in Syria Iran would have lost it's main ally and would become isolated in that part of the world. The Syrian rebels have no love for the Iranian leadership knowingn that it was they who encouraged Assad in his brutal measures to suppress them.


I agree that if the Syrian govt is kicked out then Iran would be isolated in the Middle East, but I doubt the Iranians would topple straight away. During the Iran / Iraq war, nobody assisted the Iranians but they managed to fight back for eight years. Besides, Israel has been isolated for decades yet they're still causing grief at every opportunity ;)


This new development might go some way to ease Israeli fears and concerns that a Syrian-Iranian military alliance poses a threat to them


What Israeli fears? What threat to Israel? They've got nothing to fear with that nuclear arsenal they don't seem to have.

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First it was Israeli terrorism, now it's Syrian terror. And why are certain countries so reluctant to help the protesters (unlike they're doing in Libya) ?


Disgusting, shameless, and sickening hypocrisy is what it is.




Syrian security forces have cracked down on anti-government protests across the country, killing 100 people in the city of Hama alone, reports say.






Yes, Mr President; but what are you going to do about it (instead of giving the usual soundbites) ? - when are you going to send Assad to the Hague for war crimes ?


Sounds like a typical day in syria.

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