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Bring Back Dog Licensing

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I note the increase in the number of large dogs in the possession of young males who can be seen walking through the city of leads and clearly not under proper control. Also the amount of dog feaces in ublic places is disgusting and unsafe.


I believe it is time to re introduce dog licensing. An annual fee of £100 with obvious exemptions such as pensioners, assistance and working dogs could be made. All pet owners would, I am sure, be happy to pay less than the equivalent of a packet of cigarettes a week for the privelidge of owning their pet.


All dogs should be on a lead when in public places and heavy fines levied for fouling.


Where dogs are unlicensed they should be put down.

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I note the increase in the number of large dogs in the possession of young males who can be seen walking through the city of leads and clearly not under proper control.


You can read that 2 ways as to who's not under proper control.


There's no point bringing back dog licences for all dogs if you've admitted it's a small minority of young males with identity crises who are the problem. They usually go for staffies and the ilk. These dogs could be controlled but the way the owner treats them has a big impact on the behaviour of the dog.


As for dog faeces, I assume you didn't grow up in the 60s and 70s when it was far more more prevalent than it is now. You also saw loads of dogs roaming about on their own then. Partly thanks to the car that has stopped.

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What about the people who are responsible dog owners? Should they be charged because others are irresponsible? And why should dogs be on the lead at all times?


That's the way things work. Why should motor insurance premiums keep going up because of the actions of irresponsible drivers? Same thing.

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Would be a waste of time - again this would be another case where decent responsible folk would pay - and the shell suit wearing, dope smoking idle wasters wouldn't bother. Sadly, it would seem that contributing to society or paying tax by these people is a concept they are unable to understand. Better plan - find an island, move them and their dogs to it, and let them spend their lives together looking hard and swaggering around.

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The dog licence was not abolished on moral grounds but on practical ones. It simply wasn't doing the job it was intended to do.


It's unlikely that reintroducing it would actually achieve anything, for the same reasons that having it wasn't achieving anything in the first place. Most of which have been mentioned above.

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I actually agree in principal, although I'm not sure an annual fee is the best way. My partner and I were having this discussion last night.

I would personally suggest a one off fee and dog chipping to be made a legal obligation.

There is a severe lack of responsibility taken by some dog owners, but an annual fee would most likely put off many families from bringing a dog into their family home and essentially punish the wrong people.

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Compulsive microchipping should be brought in & the last registerd owner responsable until details are updated .Any dog found not microchipped should be siezed by wardens taken into care and micro chipped ,when dog is adopted,with new owners details. a fine should be placed on any owner that is found with a unchipped dog , well thats my thoughts

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