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Where do feminists stand on this?

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As Plek says, feminists are far from some homogeneous group and there are plenty of different schools of thought.


Many things offend my sensibilities, however, I do not go around defacing them, nor would I (or many other feminists of various schools) draw Western garb on a poster of a woman wearing a burqa.

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I was just wondering if this action could be supported by feminists. Both the youths concerned and feminists don't like to see semi-naked women all over the place.


But should the vandalism of posters be applauded?


I'm all for knockers on the bill boards, but I guess everyone isnt..:D






Maybe if the Muslims start calling the shots one day thay may force feminists to start wearing Burkhas.

Now that would be funny

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I was just wondering if this action could be supported by feminists. Both the youths concerned and feminists don't like to see semi-naked women all over the place.


But should the vandalism of posters be applauded?


I'm all for knockers on the bill boards, but I guess everyone isnt..:D




Tosspots the pair of them.


If anything is learned from this it's that the police and courts don't have a softly, softly approach where the behaviour of anti social Muslims is concerned, contrary to popular belief.

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Maybe if the Muslims start calling the shots one day thay may force feminists to start wearing Burkhas.

Now that would be funny


I think long before that happens Harley, the 30 or so million women in this country will have corralled the few thousand Muslim men who think this way into a large field, stripped them naked and guffawed in ridicule at their insignificant appendages.

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Scroll down to the bottom, look at the ginger one with the sharia law poster.

OH MY WORD he looks hillarious!!!


it's Jamaal the gnome again, he's getting more press than Lady Ga Ga

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Maybe if the Muslims start calling the shots one day thay may force feminists to start wearing Burkhas.

Now that would be funny


I'm not a feminist but I'd set fire to it first, can someone tell me why they all wear scarves over their hair, it's as if they believe showing their hair is sinful, why cover it - we all know most of them have black hair - it's not so rare that it will incite any man to assault.:confused:

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If these youths are disgusted by the sight of scantily dressed women on posters, I am sure they will be given permission to leave this Country to find one that agrees with their ideals. Simples.


As to what the Feminists think, who gives a flying fig.





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