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I thought police were supposed to break up gangs?

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Had that been in Spain the drinkers and pot smokers would have scattered in double quick time. Don't get me wrong, I have no idea what happens to folk in Spanish cells, but something must.


I was sort of scared of the police when I was a kid, I don't think that there is any harm in that. I now look at them as PC uniformed social workers, they couldn't scare a three year old. We now spend fortunes protecting our property from the folk that the police know are thieves, but just leave them be.


Don't concern yourselves, folk like me won't be around forever, if you ask nothing of the police they will respond accordingly. :confused:

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At the same time there were two police officers walking past and they didn't even look at the group of adults. .



Thats because they would have been too busy checking tax discs on vehicles. There`s no profit to be made in splitting up gangs of youths loitering on the streets.


Where as half a dozen dodgy tax disks can reap good dividends .

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I had a few things to do around Manor Top the other day.


While walking past the ginnel between Tesco's and the chemist i noticed about 8 adults, all drinking strong lager. About 20 minutes later i walked past again. This time i could clearly smell drugs.


At the same time there were two police officers walking past and they didn't even look at the group of adults. They just walked on as though the group never existed.


Aren't the police supposed to break up groups loitering our streets?


Seen this on numerous occasions can be quite intimidating, you try using the cash points without some drunken Muppet stood behind you, practically in your back pocket. It's also quite well known that there's a lot of drug dealing & muggings going on, around that area, the only people who don't seem to know is the police. As for the dispersal act, wasn’t it introduced during the miners strikes, & relates to both adults & youths, so the police do have the power to move them on, I think it’s more of if we don’t bother them, they won’t bother us, what a wonderful police force we have eh!:loopy:

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