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Deportation farce

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After watching the fly on the wall programs about Australian custom control I think ours need to learn a few lessons ………. Number 1, put them on the first plane back.


You don't need to go to Oz, you try to do a job in Jersey, that a local can do, and in the words of their officials you will get FBB'd, First Boat Back.

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You don't need to go to Oz, you try to do a job in Jersey, that a local can do, and in the words of their officials you will get FBB'd, First Boat Back.


But do they have a social security system that means the locals don’t want the jobs, I am not against immigration, I am against people playing the system.

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We sold our soul to the EU, wait until Turkey joins, that should be interesting.

Your not kidding, just look at the problem with the door ripped off for European citizens, Once Turkey is in the door is open for every nation in the Islamic world.


I don't mind real people in need, its the right thing to do but our system is being abused and the human rights act justifies a lot of this sort of thing making us look like a nation of limp d...s

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How stupid are you? He is a danger to children you idiot


Wasting your breath.

You have to understand that because the man in question is non white, all the luvvies will immediatly jump to the defence (and by defence i also mean the pointless and deliberate thread spoiling you do just to get it closed) of him no matter what hes done.

Surely some of the replies there have been show you this?

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