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They also reported the fact Gadaffi had offered to have elections (Billions of pounds worth of bombs ago),but wasn't accepted by NATO or as far as I,ve seen reported by our main media.

Why would they want to keep that quiet ?



“We told them ‘You want elections? OK – let’s do elections. We will bring observers from Russia, from America, from the African Union, from the European Union, from the United Nations to supervise the elections. And if we win – you should accept the results, if we lose – congratulations.’ They answered ‘no.’," Saif al-Islam Gaddafi went on. "Our goal is to march to Tripoli. We have to march to Tripoli and occupy Tripoli. By force. So, you want to fight? OK, we will fight. And you will lose. And soon, because you have no chance. You have 40 ships in front of our coast, you have hundreds of airplanes, you have 17 satellites from America and France, you have everything, but you are losing every day. Why? Because the people are not with you."


You really are dumb. Why don't you try thinking for yourself for a change rather than just believing something because you want to because you might be that way inclined?

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Is it me or is RT a little bit biased about America.


There whole broadcast is all about the US, full of interviews with sleeper agents or morons.


They complain about every action to help any other countries, but do nothing themselves. To me this makes Russians look like isolationists who only really care for themselves and even sparks the thought of another communist revolution!


RT is state sponsored isn't it!


I love watching rt. ,


Of coarse they give a different perspective on the news ,


Western media is full of corporate agenda


Also BBC is state sponsored , even tho thy wont admit !

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You really are dumb. Why don't you try thinking for yourself for a change rather than just believing something because you want to because you might be that way inclined?


Whether Gadaffi's son is telling porkies or not it is a fact he claims they did offer to have elections (unless they found a lookalike to do the interview)

You'd think if he was lying then our media would use it as propaganda against him but didn't seem to mention it,so I am inclined to believe they did offer to have elections yes.

Are you sure you are not just believing what you want to because you're that way inclined ?

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Whether Gadaffi's son is telling porkies or not it is a fact he claims they did offer to have elections (unless they found a lookalike to do the interview)

You'd think if he was lying then our media would use it as propaganda against him but didn't seem to mention it,so I am inclined to believe they did offer to have elections yes.

Are you sure you are not just believing what you want to because you're that way inclined ?


Do try thinking

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What do you mean?


I mean it's well accepted fact that western media is corporate owned , sometime they are also directly involved in making weapons as well as telling the news ! Clash of interests big time ! Hence why public is some what brainwashe into Iraqi wars etc


Lol there actualy was a good doc on RT about the very same subjet only last nite ,


Yes BBC is state sponsored as it is funded by law which is set by the government . You can't deny that which ever way you choose too look at it ,


Hope that's been clear or send me a message

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You really are dumb. Why don't you try thinking for yourself for a change rather than just believing something because you want to because you might be that way inclined?


I beg to differ , he is right


I have heard the Libyan regime offer election s any time any place . And all this on channel 4 news .


But I guess elections are not on the NATO manifesto ,

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