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Russia Today (News)

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I don't think its that bad really I quite like it I find it interesting I used to watch sky news a lot but it became boring as in it would keep telling us the same stories Russia today is not bad lets say interesting IMO

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Aljazeera and RT are just brilliant.


Aljazeera is comparitively good, but RT is just terrible. It drones on dogmatically about the evils of the west while not venturing a word of criticism against fascist gits like Putin and Assad, for example. RT may give their tacit approval to certain mass murderers, but hey, when it comes to Wikileaks or the Occupy Movement, they present themselves as bulwarks of liberty and freedom of speech


What you see on RT is idiotic activists from the west being manipulated by the Russian propaganda machine. That propaganda machine which is an integral part of an apparatus of oppression against - mostly - the Russian people.


So the westerners who use RT to voice their oppositon to corruption and oppression in the west, are supporting corruption and oppression in the east, which makes them either cynical hypocrites or brainless dicks with no clue of what is going on.

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I must say I have not seen enough of RT to comment but I have noticed one thing in reading this thread. When people make a valid point for a debate in favour of Rt they get a response like "You really are dumb, what a Muppet or do try thinking" with out offering a valid answer. Now forgive me but when I read or hear anything in the media or other wise I gather all the information from several angles then make up my own mind. Unfortunately I believe that If people only get the views of the likes of Fox, BBC and sky news then you may be only getting the points they want you to know instead of looking at different perspectives and drawing your own conclusion.

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