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Urgent Help Required about Art in Sheffield!


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Hi SheffMinx


English and Art - a heady mix! Have you thought about asking some local artists for their opinions - might be an interesting perspective for you. How would they like their art to be seen? Also, you have no excuse about CECTAL as it is right next to your department!


Keep us posted!

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Thanks for the link RichF!


This module of my course is a mixture of Fine Art and Visual Culture students (and me! The only English student on the module!!)


We think that as part of our presentation we are going to do a few surveys about whether people prefer art in purpose built spaces or in converted buildings, with the respondants belonging to one of three categories: artist, curator or general public. So keep your eyes peeled for the poll and become part of history ;)


We are looking to visit a few of these places next week to get a feel for them, so if anybody has anything to add before then I'd be very greatful. Also if anybody can tell me anything about the Leadmill as it was when it was an artspace? Or point me in the direction of somewhere I might be able to find pictures of all of these places "as they were"?

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There was an old cutlery factory off London Road where I used to work. I'll try to come up with its address. The Yorkshire Art Space was on the site of the old Butlers factory. I refuse to say Butlers the cutlers! There were many in there...There was a guy in the next workshop, he used to make tulips, roses, daffies, any flower you name it, from those large roadsigns at roundabouts and junctions, etc, the really big ones. The one that was off London Road was just about as dickensian as you could wish. The windows were filthy and broken, the roof leaked, but there was an atmosphere...men still hammered cultlery by hand in the forges and shared spaces with artists and craftsmen. The man you want is Ross...like the above London Road, my memory escapes me....old age, sorry!

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